Ateneo QualiCal

We are ready for ILA 2019!

QualiCal participation at International Lime Association

Published in
1 min readSep 6, 2019


Market is already driven by Companies that, all in all, will be able to be a source/advisor of INTELLIGENT LIME PLANTS, a developer of ADVANCE ANALYTICS, PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE, and provider of the FUTURE of WORK: humans & digital workforces.

To attend its duties, QualiCal created a digital workforce “iDO” equipped with a set of Digital Competences, in the sense of the set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities and strategies, that are required when we are using Information and Communications Technology and digital media.

Call me iDO .. I will do it for YOU

QualiCal Team is glad inviting you attending the speech held by Carlo Cella (CEO of QualiCal) where he will introduce iDO — Industrial digital operator.




The lime industrial company. That’s also a digital company.