How To Write A Research Methodology In 4 Steps

Qualitative Research
4 min readJan 6, 2023

Writing a research methodology is an essential part of any research proposal, but it can be difficult to know where to start. In this article, we’ll walk you through a simple 4 step process for writing a clear and effective research methodology for your proposal.

Hi, I’m Dr. Dee, a global health practitioner and academic. In this article, I’ll be sharing a simple 4 step format for writing a research methodology that will help you ensure the validity and reliability of your proposed study.

Step One: Explain Your Methodology
The first step in writing your research methodology is to explain your general approach to the research and how you will go about it. There are two ways you can do this:

Option 1: Explain the “what.” This involves beginning your chapter by explaining the problem or research question you are proposing to investigate. For example, you might describe the detailed characteristics of a phenomenon, explore an under-researched field or topic, or examine the relationship between two or more variables, potentially exploring the presence of a causal relationship. To delve deeper into the “what” of your research, consider the type of data you will need to make a valid conclusion. For example, will quantitative data be sufficient? Or do you need qualitative data as well? Maybe you need both. Think about how the data will be collected — will you and your team be responsible for this, or will you be using secondary data from previous research? Additionally, consider whether you will be using experimental data collected through the manipulation of certain variables, or simply descriptive data based on observations. These details are important in helping the reader understand not only the purpose of your proposed research, but also the steps you plan to take in conducting it.

Option 2: Answer the question “why?” This involves beginning your chapter by explaining the reasoning behind your choice of research methods, data, and sources. Consider why your chosen method is the best way to study the topic at hand, whether your method is a standard methodology or if you have chosen a different approach and why, any ethical considerations that will go into your selection of research methods, and the validity criteria you will use for your research.

Step Two: Explain Your Data Collection Methodology
Data collection is a crucial aspect of any research, as it forms the basis for your analysis and findings. You can choose to use quantitative, qualitative, or a combination of both methods for your data collection. The choice will depend on the topic you are proposing to study and what makes the most sense in that context. Here are some tips for choosing the right data collection method:

Think about the research question you are proposing to answer. Is it a simple, straightforward question that can be answered with numerical data? In that case, a quantitative method might be best. Or is your research question more complex, with multiple layers and nuances that can’t be captured with numbers alone? In that case, a qualitative method might be more appropriate.
Consider the resources you have available. Do you have the time, money, and personnel necessary to conduct a large-scale survey or experiment? If not, a more streamlined data collection method such as interviews or focus groups might be more feasible.
Keep ethics in mind. Depending on the topic you are proposing to study, you may need to get informed consent from your participants or protect their privacy in some way. Make sure you have a plan in place to do this before you start collecting data.

Step Three: Explain Your Data Analysis Methodology

Once you’ve collected your data, it’s time to analyze it. Again, you can choose between qualitative and quantitative methods, or a combination of both.

Qualitative Data Analysis

In the case of qualitative data, it’s important to explain the strategies you will use to interpret and analyze the data. This might include coding the data, identifying themes and patterns, and constructing narrative summaries or case studies. Be sure to provide enough detail so that another researcher could understand and replicate your analysis.

Quantitative Data Analysis

For quantitative data, you’ll need to explain the statistical tests and procedures you will use to analyze the data. Be sure to provide enough detail so that another researcher could understand and replicate your analysis, including any software you will use and the specific parameters you will set. It’s also a good idea to report any assumptions or limitations of your analysis, such as the sample size or the representativeness of the sample.

Step Four: Discuss the Validity and Reliability of Your Proposed Study

The final step in writing your research methodology is to discuss the validity and reliability of your proposed study. Validity refers to whether your study will be measuring what it is supposed to be measuring. Reliability refers to the consistency and repeatability of your results. There are several ways you can address these issues in your methodology chapter:

  • Discuss any measures you will take to ensure the validity of your study, such as using multiple sources of data or triangulating your findings.
  • Consider the potential threats to the validity of your study, such as bias or confounding variables, and explain how you will address or control for these threats.
  • Discuss the reliability of your study, including any measures you will take to ensure the consistency and repeatability of your results.
  • If you will be using a standardized measure or instrument, explain how you will establish its reliability and validity.

By following these four steps, you can write a clear and effective research methodology that will help you ensure the validity and reliability of your proposed study. Remember to be thorough, yet concise, and to provide enough detail so that another researcher could understand and replicate your study. Good luck with your research proposal!

