Why We Founded Lever Health

Kevin Weatherman
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2019

We want to make it easier to be healthy. Our goal is to help people find easy wins that compound to create a health ‘flywheel’ that builds on itself.

My personal journey is what inspired us to start Lever Health. Through many trials, I reached my goal of lowering my A1C to below pre-diabetic and lost significant weight. In the process, I gained so much more: a dramatic increase in quantity and quality of sleep, boost in energy levels, quantitative increase in fitness, and overall health & happiness.

Why is Being Healthy Such a Struggle?

Healthy behavioral change is hard. The fact that health is unique to the individual makes this significantly harder. Even if you discover something that works now, results have diminishing marginal returns and may eventually stop working.

We all live in a world that fights against us as we attempt to make healthy changes. Food companies push their salty, processed and sugary foods. Our jobs now demand 24/7 availability via email and messaging increasing stress, anxiety and making ‘checking our phone’ the first thing we do in the morning and last thing we do before bed. Entertainment companies spend billions making the most binge-worthy content while Technology companies hire the best in the world to ensure we spend hours in a sedentary position scrolling past ads, driving up isolation while driving down activity and sleep. Pharmaceutical companies make billions from preventable chronic diseases while continuing to increase drug prices.

No wonder it’s difficult to make healthy changes in the face of these challenges.

The Key to Unlock a Longer and Healthier Life

Based on books, podcasts, medical doctors and medical research from sources like Why we Sleep, Circadian Code, Peter Attia, MD, Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D, Mark Hyman, MD, Chris Kresser, MD, Blue Zones, Centenarians (100+ years old), Longevity Research, and Quantified Self, everyone on a health journey now has a roadmap to understand the unique aspects of living longer healthier lives.

There’s also a new philosophy for treating patients called functional medicine which treats the root cause of disease across all aspects of health and wellness. These doctors are spending significantly more time with patients, running more medical tests and treating patients with a holistic approach across diet, gut, exercise, activity, sleep, vitamins, nutrients, hydration, mental health, energy levels, mindfulness, movement and more. They also give their patients a reason to closely track their health data and gain applicable insight from it.

By taking health into your own hands, working with these health professionals, and leveraging data from fitness devices, you can start to build an understanding of your unique health.

The LH Platform: Your Data-Driven Health Concierge

Our vision is to be your health concierge in order to help you set goals, collaborate with health professionals and create experiments that result in lifestyle changes so you can live healthier ever after.

I’m thankful that when my health scare happened I had recently met a doctor who not only gave me specific actions but also performed additional tests to verify success and failure. I was also fortunate to have the resources to allocate to my health and a partner who supported and even pushed me to be healthier. My desire to learn and the rigor to test allowed me to close the feedback loop. Everyone’s health journey deserves that level of support and accountability. We’re excited to help you create that opportunity for yourself.

If you’d like to learn more (or join us!), please reach out or head over to https://leverhealth.com.



Kevin Weatherman

#1 Angel Investor in NYC — Investor in over 150 startups in the last 10 years, 6 unicorns. Work VP at Moloco, fmr CEO Facet Data, CRO OneSignal & VP MoPub.