Staff Augmentation or Outsourcing: Which Should You Choose for Your Tech Business?

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4 min readJun 2, 2023
A group of people having an animated discussion around a laptop. The image has a Qualitest branding.

Businesses are fast adopting technology to ensure efficiency, customer satisfaction, and better growth. But this digital transformation comes with challenges. These include hiring the right talent, managing resources, and ensuring timely delivery.

To solve these dilemmas, companies are turning to staff augmentation services and outsourcing. But which is right for your tech business?

In this blog, you’ll discover the differences between staff augmentation and outsourcing. We’ll also help you decide which one you should choose for your tech business.

What is staff augmentation?

Staff augmentation helps businesses bridge skill gaps within their workforce. It enables them to hire skilled professionals for a defined period. Typically, staff work on a specific project or provide temporary support to an existing team. They integrate into the company’s structure, work under its management and follow its policies and procedures.

Benefits of staff augmentation

There are many advantages to staff augmentation. These include:

1. Access to skilled talent

You can quickly tap into a pool of professionals with specific skill sets. This is important in the tech sector, where demand for certain skills often outstrips supply.

2. Flexibility

Often, the demand for personnel and skills fluctuates and businesses don’t need people full-time. Staff augmentation lets you effortlessly scale your teams up and down to match. This is valuable for tech companies that work on short-term projects or experience seasonal variations in demand.

3. Cost-effective

The costs of recruitment, training, and benefits can make hiring full-time employees expensive. Staff augmentation is a cost-effective alternative. It enables you to access skills without committing to long-term employment. It also avoids the associated costs of full-time staff.

What is outsourcing?

Outsourcing refers to the practice of hiring an external company or individual to handle a business function normally carried out in-house. For IT firms, this can involve delegating tasks such as:

  • Software development
  • IT infrastructure management
  • Quality engineering
  • Customer support

Benefits of outsourcing

Outsourcing offers several advantages. These include:

1. Cost savings

This is a big benefit of outsourcing. By putting work out to firms in countries with lower costs of living and wages, companies can enjoy lower labor expenses.

2. Access to specialized skills

It also allows IT firms to access skills and expertise that may not be available within their own organization. This is valuable in the tech sector, where new technologies and tools rapidly evolve.

3. Focus on core business functions

By outsourcing non-core business functions, companies can focus their efforts on their core competencies. This lets you devote more resources to business innovation and growth.

A group of people having an animated discussion around a laptop. The image has a Qualitest branding.
Staff augmentation and outsourcing services are designed to meet different business needs.

Staff augmentation vs. outsourcing, which is better?

When deciding between staff augmentation and outsourcing, there are three main factors to consider.

1. Project duration

If you have a short-term project that requires specific skills, staff augmentation services may be best. This option allows you to quickly access the IT skills you need without making a big commitment.

But, if you have a long-term project or need ongoing support for a business function, outsourcing may be better. Why? Because it will give you a long-term solution. You’ll also have access to a larger pool of specialized talent.

2. Control and management

Augmented staff work under your management and follow your policies and procedures. This gives you more control over the project. It also ensures that the project aligns with your goals.

With outsourcing, you have less control, as the external team works independently. But outsourcing companies have their own project management processes in place. This can be a big help in ensuring project delivery is on time and within budget.

3. Cost

The cost structure for outsourcing typically includes a fixed fee or hourly rate for the vendor’s services. Extra costs may be incurred for any materials, equipment, or resources required to complete the project. But outsourcing can also be more expensive in the long term. Particularly, if the vendor’s rates are high or if extra fees are charged for changes or revisions to the project.

Pricing for staff augmentation is usually based on an hourly or daily rate for the worker. It also includes benefits or other overhead costs associated with hiring and managing staff. It can be a more cost-effective option for short-term projects or tasks.

It also gives you more control over the project and personnel. However, staff augmentation may take up more of your time and require more management oversight than outsourcing.

The cost structure for outsourcing and staff augmentation differs significantly. Staff augmentation is billed on an hourly or daily rate, while outsourcing is usually billed on a project basis.


Both staff augmentation and outsourcing have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs, project and goals.

In a nutshell:

  • Staff augmentation is a good option for short-term IT projects or bridging skill gaps in your existing team.
  • Outsourcing is better for long-term projects or accessing specialized skills.

So, which to choose? Your decision should be based on project duration, control and management, and costs.

Make the right choice and you can access the talent and resources you need to succeed in today’s competitive tech landscape.




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