The Top 6 Benefits of Automated Unit Testing for Agile Projects

Debjani Goswami
Published in
5 min readAug 25, 2020

The Agile testing method refers to a collaborative approach towards software development that was created in 2001. In a more traditional software development model, the process is carried forward in a “waterfall” method, through executing a series of consecutive steps which are: requirements, design, implementation, verification and maintenance. Therefore, the waterfall method makes a distinctive divide between developers and testers since the design is created and implemented first and then verified. But the Agile process breaks through this order and bridges the sequential gap between developers and testers.

The Agile process has a more collaborative approach where the tossing of the program between the developing and testing teams is eliminated, therefore using fewer resources. The Agile method’s key point is that it combines development and testing functions intending to deliver a working code from the first implementation.

The Agile method incorporates testing at each phase to prioritize quality. Given that quality assurance is the primary objective of the Agile methodology, it is evident that every test at every stage is performed repetitively. This is where automation comes into play. Automating these Agile tests not only saves manual labor and time but also ensures that the development process is speedy, reliable, and reusable.

What is Unit Testing?

Unit tests are performed on individual software units, their data and associated usage procedures to check how compact they are. These tests are carried out on a smaller part of the code (which is called “unit”) and are intended to study how the unit behaves under controlled environments. Testers perform these tests using simulated objects to replicate the intended real-life user input. The values on which the QA experts execute the tests are previously determined.

The point of unit testing is early detection and identification of as many errors as possible at a very early stage of development and then automating the test procedure for every code change in the system. This way, the developing team is the primary stakeholder in building a working program that will proceed to the next stage of QA only when it is functional. This process cuts down unnecessary delays in the development process and gets things moving faster while saving an organization’s expenses.

So, unit testing allows you to check the functionality of each of the constituent parts of a program individually before putting them together, instead of creating the whole code first and then testing it for errors.

Why do Agile projects need Unit testing?

The Agile and unit testing processes are connected closely, and automated unit tests have various advantages that support the principles of Agile development.

  • Automated unit tests in Agile testing produces faster and more flawless codes because Quality engineers can identify the glitches at the earlier stages.
  • Unit testing increases the probability of proper function of new features at the first delivery because developers deliver working code.
  • Unit tests can trace the precise location of an issue in a code when they fail, assisting the developer in fixing it promptly.
  • Unit tests are highly competent in identifying bugs in regression and saves time, which developers would otherwise waste in sending the code back and forth among development and QA teams.

Unit testing imparts developers with confidence that even after they make changes to the code, it will not impact the functionality of the product. Unit testing prevents sprints from being bogged down, as it will save developers’ time in fixing regression bugs. It also maintains code quality, ensuring that it does not become legacy code.

So, what are the benefits of automating unit tests for your Agile project?

  1. Less time in execution: Opting for automation means going for a more efficient development process. Automated testing allows for “fail fast,” which refers to the early detection of bugs and glitches in the code since every single step is run under tests. Finding bugs and fixing them at an earlier stage is much more cost-effective as well as timesaving. Continuous testing also ensures speedier time to market. It allows developers and testers to dedicate their time to designing more relevant software features instead of having to worry about manual testing.
  2. Reusable test cases: Developers can easily reuse the same test cases multiple times under the same or altered environments. The tasks are usually repetitive, and the test designs are comparatively simple. Every time a new bug is detected, it is recorded automatically, bringing down maintenance cost several notches. Using the same test cases for different approaches saves time and money and cuts down the possibilities of human error, thus providing more accurate results with half the budget.
  3. Maximum test coverage: Since automated testing sets testers free from the burden of manually carrying out the procedures, they can design test suites for every single feature of the software, thus providing a more significant coverage than traditional testing. Automated testing allows us to run several complicated test cases simultaneously, allowing the team to build a more holistic, high-quality product.
  4. More precise results: Automated testing guarantees accuracy by eliminating the human element from the scenario. It also keeps a record of the test results for each time, allowing teams to review and alter them.
  5. Cost-effective solution: Even though the initial investment into automated testing may seem a lot, it saves costs in the long run. Less manual labor, early bug fixing, and collaboration between developers and testers ensure that the production cost is minimal. The resources spent are significantly less, while the product is of the most exceptional quality.
  6. Better performing design: Test automation allows for a full coverage testing process, thus ensuring high-quality software. It also enables testers to check how the program will behave in the future by changing the creation date in the database.

Since you would conduct unit testing at the code level, it benefits the entire Agile process. Automating this type of testing ensures that the fundamentals are in place and functional from the get-go, creating a seamless, cost-effective product in very little time.

