Message from the Chair of NZOQ

New Zealand Organisation for Quality
Quality Business


For many years the Australian Organisation for Quality (AOQ) and the New Zealand Organisation for Quality (NZOQ) have co-operated in the progress of Quality in our two nations. Be it informal communication between our Directors, our members, collegial visits, support of each other’s conferences and other events, or republishing of articles in our publications we have frequently got together to speak with one voice.

2017 allows me to celebrate the progress of my organisation — this year sees the 40th anniversary of the formation of NZOQ.

Founded by industry and academia in 1977 at Massey University, it continues to be a premier organisation for Quality membership, training, and representation. Last year it welcomed the New Zealand Business Excellence Foundation (NZBEF) into the fold to work in unison in the area of Business Excellence and Quality. Established in 1992, NZBEF (Chaired by Beryl Oldham), promotes the Baldrige criteria in New Zealand through training and awards.

November 2016 saw NZOQ host the very successful award-winning international APQO Conference in Rotorua, New Zealand. AOQ support also ensured the positive success of this event. APQO is the major regional body for Quality in the Asia-Pacific region and NZOQ is a Sustaining Council Member of APQO. To follow on, this year sees our NZOQ President, Abraham Fenn, appointed as APQO President-elect and he currently is mentoring APQO in the progress of the 23rd APQO Conference in Manila later this year.

We do a lot with very little — a small national office (two NZOQ staff) in Palmerston North and now a small hub presence in Auckland (one NZBEF staff member). We call upon a voluntary pool of Directors and members and also professional contractors for education delivery. We administer membership services, training, and publications and media. The latter includes a website, social media channels, a very successful national and international newsletter — Q-zine — and a printed and online NZOQ members’ magazine — Quality Business.

From 2017, both AOQ and NZOQ Presidents and Chair have agreed to support a single trans-Tasman member magazine and I am pleased to confirm Tony Pilli as the Editor of QB going forward. He will work with our NZOQ National Office to ensure a high quality publication for AOQ and NZOQ members.

Dan Forsman
Vice-President & Chair, New Zealand Organisation for Quality



New Zealand Organisation for Quality
Quality Business

NZOQ is the association for quality improvement and best practice in New Zealand.