What Framework is in Place Currently?

In all my previous posts so far, I mainly discussed about the issues pertaining to quality education and how we, the current and future generations are being affected by it. But what are some current solutions that are being done to combat these issues? Are there currently a foundation that is being built upon to work toward the goal of quality education for all? This research journal, “Monitoring progress in ‘quality education’ in the European Union — strategic framework and goals”, written by Aleksandra Pleśniarska, goes in-depth about the topic, and its importance.

The article stresses the importance of continued education for students going through higher education. This is a strategy put together to ensure people of the future workforce has the necessary education. The article states, “It includes a specific ‘education headline target’ to reduce the rates of early school leaving below 10 per cent and to ensure that at least 40 per cent of 30–34 year-olds complete higher education.” (Pleśniarska, 2019) There are multitude of reasons for people leaving education early, be it financial issues or personal reasonings. With more people being education, even the middle aged people, the economy will strive due to better decision making.

While experiences in your career can be gained over time, you can get a strong foundation (a head start if you will) with a good education. The journal mentions the agenda of the EU, “It concentrates on three key fields of action: improving the quality and relevance of skills formation, making skills and qualifications more visible and comparable, improving skills intelligence and information for better career choices.” In other words, a good education better prepares you for your future and career. A good school will have advisors who truly care and give you a solid route to follow for your choice of major. You can get offered career fairs and internship opportunities to connect with employers.

The articles mentions some points that the EU is focusing on right now. But it still all comes down to the funding each school can receive. Some people have early leave in their education path due to financial situations. Not being offered enough financial aid can lead to some people giving up on their dream schools. So in the end, money is still the issue at hand. In a materialistic world, having a sufficient amount of money goes a long way.

Pleśniarska, Aleksandra. (2019) Monitoring progress in “quality education” in the European Union — strategic framework and goals. Emerald Insight, 20(7). https://www-emerald-com.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJSHE-10-2018-0171/full/html#sec002

