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Pickles and chocolate

White Feather
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2019


Clarissa looked across the table at Jeff, “So tell me a bizarre idiosyncrasy of yours.”

Jeff stroked his hairy chin as he looked up at the ceiling. He thought for a seemingly long time. Finally, he removed his hand from his chin and snapped his fingers, “I got it. I never refrigerate my pickles.”


“I love a good dill pickle just like the next guy but I can’t stand it if it’s cold. So I never refrigerate my pickles. I have a big ole jar of pickles on my kitchen counter and whenever I’m in the mood for a pickle I just pop open the jar and snag a pickle. I prefer my pickles at room temperature.”

“That’s not too weird — I guess.”

“So tell me something weird about yourself.”

“Well, uh, don’t laugh but I keep all my chocolate in the refrigerator.”

“Cold chocolate. I can dig it. Sometimes I like to put a Snickers bar in the freezer. Man, that’s some good chewin’.”

“No, it’s not that I prefer the chocolate to be cold. I love chocolate but I can’t stand chocolate on my hands. If you open up a chocolate bar at room temperature and break off a piece with your hands you’ll get some melted chocolate on your fingers. I can’t stand that so I keep the chocolate cold so that you can break off…

