An article I posted last month already brought me $1725, and it continues to bring me in.

Sanler Marx
Quality life
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2022

Share How can I make money from my articles on medium.

Making money on medium is not as difficult as you think. Let me share the data first, and then share the experience later.

1. Data Analysis

1. Lifetime summary

This article earns money in medium.

It published on April 7, 2022 . Below is the link, posted on my other account, you can go in and read it. AVERAGE READING TIME 2 min 2 sec, the recommended reading time is 4 minutes, which shows that the reader is twice as fast as the medium estimated reading speed.

2. Story’s impact

Story’s impact

Pay special attention to the middle, the readings are down from the first waveform, but from the second graph, the daily income is still increasing, and now it continues to bring me $60 per day.

The third waveform is actually consistent with the first one, one is the number of readers, and the other is the total reading time. The more people who read, the more natural time.

Why is the number of readers and time less, and the money made is not less? I don’t understand this point. I thought that external members read a lot at first, but according to statistics, there has never been much external reading. Anyway, making money is not always a bad thing, don’t care about it.

3. Other data

Other data

This can show where your readers are coming from and what other articles they might like.

4. Reading completion rate

As you can see, only 38% of people finished reading the article. This image also betrays a secret, my other articles are not read more than this one. Of course, some articles make more money than this, because the article is much longer than this.

2. Experience sharing

1. Writing in medium is a good deal

Medium is a great platform, and the best part about it is that I can earn lifetime income for my articles.

Before medium writing, I never thought that I could make money by writing articles to make a living. Of course, I used to know that writing can make money, but usually those writers are writing novels, and other works of content other than printed books, it is difficult to make money.

I’ve written submissions in the past and could make around $100-$300 per post, but I don’t like that. First of all, I have to write as someone asks me, and that hurts me, I like to write as I like, not as someone else dictates, and that hurts my enjoyment of writing. Secondly, the income is not high, I can only complete one work per day. But in medium I can write whatever I want, so if I like, I can write three articles a day.

The best thing about medium is the lifetime income, which means that if I keep writing, my income will keep getting higher and higher. I’ve been writing for five months, of course with very little writing at the beginning, and now I’m making $2,000 a month.

2. You need to keep learning writing skills

Although I have also written many articles before, but after medium writing, I found that many of the previous skills are not suitable here, I have to learn new writing skills.

At the same time, I also see that many people persist in writing for a long time and write a lot of articles, but the income is very small. I think you see a lot of these articles too. The main reason for this is that they did not learn writing skills.

I don’t like to make people think that it is difficult to make money on medium, so I opened a new account. Of course, I have shared those skills to my account now, and I will continue to share new skills and knowledge in the future. This account will be used exclusively for sharing of writing skills.

3. You need to keep writing

Speaking of which, this paragraph is actually nonsense. No matter how many skills you read, how can you make money if you don’t write yourself. In addition, I feel that medium is a good platform, which is enough. I have been to other platforms introduced by others. I think they are not as good as medium. You can’t make money in medium, and it is difficult to make money in other places. It’s a question of writing ability. More learning, more writing is fundamental.

4. Contribute to publications

You saw my article just now posted on “Love And Marriage,” a free publication that you can contribute to.

I have said all I have to say, and finally I suggest that you click on my avatar and open my homepage to read my other writing tips. I wish all writers have a satisfactory income.

If you like, you can buy me a cup of coffee . I don’t mind if you don’t have it, medium will pay for you.



Sanler Marx
Quality life

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