Donkey on the garbage heap.

Lei Musk
Quality life
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2022

A donkey that survives.

Photo by sharon Langford on Unsplash

Let me start with a story I read a long time ago in a book.

A donkey fell into a very deep abandoned trap. The owner thought it was not worth saving it and left, leaving it alone.

Every day, there are still people dumping garbage into the trap. The donkey was very angry, he thought he was unlucky. It fell into the trap, the owner didn’t save him, he couldn’t even die comfortably, and so much garbage was thrown next to him every day.

Every day, there are still people dumping garbage into the trap. The donkey was angry, he thought he was unlucky. He fell into the trap, the master didn’t save him, he couldn’t even die comfortably, and so much garbage was thrown next to him every day.

But one day, his thinking changed and he decided to change his attitude towards life. He stepped on the garbage under his feet every day instead of being overwhelmed by the garbage. He found some leftovers from the garbage to maintain his energy, even though the moldy bread and vegetable leaves tasted bad. The garbage is getting higher and higher, and finally one day, he can return to the ground again.

Don’t complain about your unsatisfactory, don’t complain about your poor husband, don’t complain about your ugly wife, don’t complain that you don’t have a good father, don’t complain about your poor job, low salary, don’t complain that you are talented but no one appreciates you.

There are too many unsatisfactory things in reality. Even if life gives you garbage, you can still step on the garbage under your feet and get to the top of the world. The world only cares whether you have reached a certain height, not whether you stepped on the shoulders of giants or stepped on garbage. In fact, people who step on the garbage are more worthy of respect.

Life is nothing but this, and there is nothing to be sad about, just treat it as the rubbish under your feet, and let it be a stepping stone to your success in life!

