In the next five years, these types of people will be left behind!

Lei Musk
Quality life
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2022

The secret to success or failure.

Photo by Martin Látal on Unsplash

1. People who do not study after get off work.

The difference between people is how to use it beyond eight hours. Those who have time cannot succeed, those who squeeze time can succeed. The present is decided in eight hours, and the future is decided in eight hours.

What kind of thoughts what kind of life. Only with learning can you have the right to choose, without knowledge, you must have common sense; without common sense, enter the classroom.

It’s not that society is developing too fast, it’s that our thinking and reaction are too slow, why we think too slowly, that we haven’t kept up with learning.

There are two major sorrows in life: no longer being in love after marriage, and no longer studying after graduation.

To refuse to learn is to refuse to grow. Parents who do not study will be looked down upon by their children and have a generation gap with their children. If one spouse does not study, there will be estrangement. Those who study are like tall trees and naturally there will be tall vines to entangle them.

If a person does not study, he will be out of touch with society and will not be able to keep up with the times. People live in the 21st century, and their minds are in the 20th century.

40% ideological concept + 40% interpersonal relationship + 20% professional ability = success, find your own shortcomings from this formula, make up for what you lack, and learn what society needs, not just what you are interested in, but what you have good for society and good for success.

Photo by Foto Sushi on Unsplash

2. People who are slow to respond to new things.

The birth of any new thing is linked with huge business opportunities.

The birth of any new thing comes quietly amid opposition to doubt and rejection. The new things in the 21st century must be related to the trend, and the trend is not seen with eyes but judged with eyes. Whoever grasps the trend grasps the future. If you don’t study, you will take inferences as conclusions, use what you know to judge the future, turn a deaf ear to new things, and will eventually be eliminated by society.

3. People who rely on their personal ability to fight alone.

The 21st century is an era in which individual heroes abdicate and teams advance, and it is a trend for teams to conquer the world. Who owns the crowd, who owns the market, 1 + 1 = 2 is called mathematics, and 1 + 1 = 11 is called economics.

Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

4. Glass-hearted, psychologically fragile, and vulnerable people.

It doesn’t matter how big or small things happen, what you think does matter. Things don’t hurt people, but your thoughts hurt you. The unintentional words of others make you miserable and can’t stand a little setback. How can such a person succeed?

5. A person with a single skill and no specialties.

Just like the story of cat and mouse, the cat said: “What age is it, can you live with only one technology?” According to economists, more than 300 industries in the world will be completely eliminated by 2018. No crisis is the biggest crisis, and satisfying the status quo is the biggest trap. People must find a way out for themselves in advance, and don’t wait to find a way out when they are unemployed.

6. Care about people who are short-sighted.

If you care too much about the present, you will lose the future, and if you care too much about the small money, you will lose the big money. Without vision, it will be difficult to last long. The best investment in the world and the least risky investment is to invest in learning. Learning can make people visionary and learn about future trends.

7. People with low emotional intelligence.

Many people have a hard time controlling their temper. The ancients said, “You can’t bear to make a big mess. Temper comes, good fortune is gone.” IQ means high IQ can find a good job, EQ means high emotional intelligence can have a future, and AQ means adversity quotient can become a peak person.

80% of the people in the world are people who avoid difficulties when they see it, and they get nowhere.

15% of the people in the world are people who can overcome difficulties when they see it. They are successful people.

5% of the world’s people are rare and excellent people, and such people with high emotional intelligence will become the pinnacle of people.

Psychologists summarize the four types of emotional intelligence outcomes:

A person with ability and temper — it is difficult for him to fully develop his talents;

A person who has the ability to have no temper — will eventually succeed;

A man who is incapable of temper — ends up destitute;

A person who has no ability and no temper — can live a normal life.

People succeed in their advantages, and people fail in their shortcomings. Success is the development of advantages and failure is the accumulation of disadvantages.

