My experience with medium writing from less than $10 to $550 per month.

Lei Musk
Quality life
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2022

When you encounter a problem, solve it, not bypass it.

Anytime you encounter difficulty or something that scares you, be sure to face it and don’t take a detour.

For example, someone deliberately targets you, and you are clearly uncomfortable, but you don’t know how to fight back, or you just endure it if you don’t dare to fight back, and slowly you become more and more cowardly.

For example, you are very afraid to ask for help from others, you are afraid that others will think that you are incompetent and laugh at you, and you are afraid of losing face in front of others, so you simply give up or do it by yourself, and gradually you will lose your self-confidence.

Although you choose to take a detour and you can live your life, these difficulties will definitely affect you, and the road of your life will become narrower and narrower.

If you want to grow, you must actively expand the possibilities of your life. The more you are afraid, the more you want to avoid something, then you try to challenge something. This is also a way to build self-confidence.

Difficulties are a touchstone, designed to test our courage.

In fact, each of us is a piece of pure gold, born with its own radiance. Why are some people destitute and others high-spirited? Some people lose their color in gold, while others shine? When faced with difficulties, different attitudes, different methods, and different results.

Therefore, when difficulties come, choose to face them, and life will have a chance to shine!

I see a lot of people saying that medium writing is not profitable. I also wrote for five months. In the first three months, it was less than $10 per month. In the fourth month, it suddenly rose to $138, and last month it reached $550.

My experience is to write all the time, and write a lot, and suddenly a popular article will appear.

In addition, when you see a good article, remember to applaud. When I started, I just wrote it myself, didn’t read other people’s stories, and didn’t know how to follow and applaud others. Until the fourth month, I followed and applauded more than a dozen writers every day, and suddenly the number of readings increased a lot.

