Share five things high performers do every week.

Lei Musk
Quality life
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2022

Five things to succeed.

Photo by Martin Látal on Unsplash

Many people are busy all day, but it is really difficult to make progress every day. Today, I share a few secrets of being an efficient person.

1. Set daily goals

Goals that are too broad are not easy to complete, and it is easy to develop the habit of procrastination. Set clear goals for yourself every day, complete important things ahead of time, and the remaining small things will be solved easily.

2. Make plans for the next week

You can use the weekend time to spend about ten minutes to plan goals for the next week in advance so that you have a clearer direction and avoid wasting time on unimportant things.

3. Review the blind spots of the previous week’s goals

Review is for a better start, to find the blind spot in the target, in order to better complete the target task and work efficiently.

4. Keep a diary

Keep writing a diary, write down a day’s work and life, organize, discover, and improve in the record.

5. Read more

Read more and find wisdom from books. Set aside time for reading every day to allow yourself to improve in reading.

