The Internet era is the best time for writers

Sanler Marx
Quality life
Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2021

The topic I will talk about today is inseparable from the Internet and writing.

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The Internet age is the age of writers. The reason for saying this, I want to start with the following 4 points:

1. The core of the web is text

2. In comparison, text has more depth than video

3. Convenience of text

4. Network communication is inseparable from words

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1. The core of the web is text

Maybe someone is going to refute me. Although there are many forms of online communication, more than text, including video, pictures, sounds, etc., these are actually auxiliary functions. After all, text affects you subtly, and good text expression can be more embedded in your brain. Let you think about it all the time. So you will find that many people today seek to become master copywriters and planning experts.

Before the Internet, it was too difficult for us to show ourselves. At that time, there were only traditional media, either in newspapers or on TV. This was almost impossible for us as a small person. But now with the Internet and mobile phones, we can express ourselves anytime, anywhere, and show ourselves anytime, anywhere.

Content is the core aspect of the network. We don’t need to meet with customers. As long as the product pictures and descriptions are uploaded to the network, the business may be successful. Sometimes it is necessary to talk about some details, but more is to use text communication, with the help of email, whatapp or other tools, compared with the previous need to visit the interview business, the current business is easier and simpler, and it also saves a lot of money. cost.

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2. In comparison, text has more depth than video

Although video websites and apps are very popular nowadays, it cannot be ignored that videos seem to be more suitable for entertainment, and words are more suitable for acquiring knowledge or thinking. No matter how the Internet develops, people are still accustomed to reading text. Although there are many books that can be listened to, when we have time, we are still accustomed to reading books. Even when we watch TV series and movies, we like to watch subtitles. This is a habit that has been cultivated for thousands of years, and it is difficult to change easily. In fact, after reading this, I believe you are also reading the text I wrote.

Photo by Ashwini Chaudhary on Unsplash

3. Convenience of text

Everyone likes to read text, and I think the convenience of text is also an important reason. Although WeChat has a voice function, there are still many people who like to type because it is more convenient to read the text and better understand what the other party wants to express. If you use voice, speaking becomes more casual, and the probability of speaking is higher. People will type and think while typing, but speaking will not be like this. There are often some shortcomings in spitting. The convenience of text, in fact, I have said before, after all, fans use the fragmented time of commuting to read, which is shorter than watching videos, and the cost of traffic is almost zero.

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4. Network communication is inseparable from words

Text is the foundation of network communication. Take marketing as an example. Whether it is video marketing or event marketing, which marketing method can be separated from text? No problem, no matter how beautiful video marketing is, it seems that an important link is missing. Sometimes you don’t need to have a good literary talent, as long as you can express things clearly through words.

It can be seen that for writers, the Internet age is the best era. Many people write their feelings and show themselves on the Internet. If we can go further, choose an industry, share industry knowledge, and introduce an industry in depth, then we will have even greater gains.

Everything must grasp the essential core things, and do it with ease. Just imagine what is the essence of content marketing? It must be professional and excellent content. Many people are doing content marketing, but the traditional industry is rarely involved, because there are few, so it is an opportunity for us, we must seize this trend.

Dear reader, what do you think?

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Sanler Marx
Quality life

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