Is your therapist just confusing you?

Green Heartđź’š
2 min readDec 16, 2022


I have spent an enormous amount of my savings on therapy and medication for anxiety and depression. After 4 years, I proudly say that I finally realized that therapy is just a way to logically conclude how shitty your life is!
You might think therapy helped you in some way… you maybe believe that because everyone says so! Everyone says it works, so it should work, right?

I have been so confused about what’s going on in my mind for so long. I went to therapy to find answers.
My realization is that therapy is a way to show what’s wrong in everything and in the end, blame yourself by saying
“ Only, You are responsible for your happiness ”.

The doctor opens you up and digs into you that your friend could never. Because you paid no?
Now, you dwell upon your past, what went wrong 10 years ago. How your parents did wrong to you? How your best friend did wrong to you? Label every significant experience as toxic. The direction of your search is toward the shit that went wrong. It is so subtle you wouldn’t realize how consumed you are in shit-searching in everything.

If you have a dog, you would know how picky it is to poop. But, it is basically marking its boundary. Don’t be one such picky pooper who discriminates against the situations or people around them. No human being is absolute, every human being is a possibility. If your therapist dwells upon what went wrong in your life and goes on saying how you are responsible for your happiness — cue to run for your life.

picky pooper

If you have attended therapy ever before, usually the discussion starts with “ What’s wrong with you? ”. It’s a significant step that you choose to go to therapy because you sensed how you are feeling is not good. But you are very much invested in finding what’s wrong with you. You don’t need to fix every little thing about yourself… how long will you invest in plucking out the thornes? Just blossom into a flower. No one cares about your thornes once you blossom into a flower. That’s what a rose flower does.

Once you set your direction for your well-being, every situation is a possibility to blossom. You got me? let me know in the comments

— Green Heart 💚

