To become a master of writing, you need to develop these 5 habits.

Sanler Marx
Quality life
Published in
6 min readMay 12, 2022

Develop a writing master

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

There is one goal for every writer, whether just starting out or having been writing for a long time, and that is to become a good writer.

Just like some of the writers we have seen, they can not only maintain a continuous state of writing, but also write more words in less time, and more importantly, write very high-quality content. Of course, this also means that they can earn a lot of income every month.

How can such a state be achieved?

I have been writing for six years, and I have also discovered a very important secret about writing: In fact, it is not difficult to become a writing master, but you need to develop 5 habits. These habits will also make you gradually become a master in writing.

1. Keep reading

For writers, the first thing to do is to get yourself to read. I often say: writing and reading are inseparable. Because when we are outputting, we need the support of a lot of input, writing is output, and reading is input.

Share an interesting experience with you. When I first started writing, I asked myself to read for two hours a day, and because of this, I was able to write more easily, even though my writing skills were poor at the time. But without that two hours of reading a day, I might not be able to write an article.

But later, because I had read a lot of books, I felt that I had learned a lot and I didn’t need to learn any more, so I stopped reading and only did writing every day. And after a while, I didn’t know what to write. This is because I failed to read continuously, which led to the bottom of my knowledge reserve.

So since then, I have gradually realized the importance of reading. Even if I read slowly, I will allow myself to read some content every day.

Reading is an indispensable habit for every writer.

2. Take notes anytime

In my mobile phone, there are two very important apps, one is sticky notes and the other is flomo.

Sticky Notes is an APP that I started to use when I first started writing. Almost all Android phones have it. It has been with me for six years now, and I have recorded no less than a thousand pieces of content in it.

And flomo is also a new note-taking APP that I started to use this year. Compared with sticky notes, it can open and start recording more quickly, which also greatly improves the recording efficiency, so I will mostly use this software for the next recordings.

So why is it so important to document this habit?

For writers, developing the habit of taking notes at any time is equivalent to building a huge inspiration library for ourselves. Sometimes, we are likely to gain a lot from an idea.

Of course, the reason why I think the habit of “taking notes at any time” is very important, but also stems from an experience at that time.

When I first started writing, I didn’t have the habit of taking notes at all times, but once, because a very important idea was forgotten by me, I made up my mind to develop the habit of taking notes at any time.

It is because of this that I am able to continue writing to this day.

3. Think and diffuse your thoughts

Writers naturally need to think. Without thinking, our writing becomes rigid and there will be no new ideas, which makes it difficult to improve our writing skills.

You might ask, “How can thinking help writing?”

First of all, don’t limit your thinking. Just like a child, don’t be in a hurry to deny yourself even if it is some very naive idea.

We can also try to do such an action, write the subject that needs to be considered in the center of a piece of paper, and then radiate thinking in all directions. Of course, the content that is radiated should also fit the theme as much as possible. In this way, we get some Thinking points, and then according to each thinking point, and then continue to diverge thinking separately, we get more thinking points… This is compound interest thinking for us.

Of course, we ultimately have to apply our own thinking results, otherwise it is just a fantasy. Therefore, after divergent thinking, you also need to do some screening, keep the thoughts that are useful to you, and delete the useless ones directly. Also, try to establish the connection between these thoughts, which can be of greater value to yourself.

4. Accumulate materials

For writers, the material is wealth, and the material library is the treasury, so every writer should build a treasury of his own.

In fact, you can find that when we write an article, we need to use a lot of materials. For example, some golden sentences in books or movies, such as some experiences of the protagonists in books or movies we read. These materials can enrich your articles and make them more readable.

So we accumulate materials, but also to make ourselves better writing.

The material content we have accumulated can start from the following points:

First, a golden sentence in a book or film, or even a very interesting or reasonable sentence blurted out by family members or friends, can also be used as a golden sentence;

Second, the experience of the protagonist or other characters in books or movies, or the experience you have seen or experienced in real life;

Third, the good content written by others and the materials he quoted;

Fourth, your own ideas of inspiration.

When you accumulate the above materials, you will be able to have a huge material library.

I also recommend that you do a good job of categorizing before accumulating, so that you can be retrieved and cited by yourself more quickly when writing in the future. And after the material has been accumulated, you should also look at it from time to time, so as not to make yourself unfamiliar.

5. Keep writing

The most important habit of becoming a master writer is to keep writing.

It has been six years since I started writing. Although sometimes due to personal issues, some content is not published, but I have never stopped writing. Because I understand that if you want to be successful in writing, you can’t do without continuous writing.

Not only did I try to write one long piece of content every day as much as possible, but I also made myself try to stick to a few short pieces. Also, there are some unpublished ideas that I will put in the flomo notes because I feel they need some work to be published before they are worth publishing.

In fact, these behaviors are to keep yourself writing. And, I’m ready to write for a lifetime.

This is also a necessary habit to pass the road of writing master.

After a few months of hard work, my income in medium reached $2000 per month. I also hope that more people can embark on the road of writing, not necessarily to become a master of writing, but at least to add more possibilities, excitement and interest to their lives.

Follow me to learn more writing and earning tips.

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If you are interested in improving your writing, you can read this article,



Sanler Marx
Quality life

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