What needs to be done for website maintenance?

Lei Musk
Quality life
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2021

What knowledge is needed to do a good job in website maintenance

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

For a considerable number of small and medium-sized business owners, website maintenance is to find a webmaster to post articles every day to ensure the normal operation of the website. In fact, the real website maintenance is much more than just these tasks.

Website maintenance, a good website needs to update the content regularly or irregularly in order to continuously attract more viewers and increase the number of visits. Website maintenance is to allow your website to run stably on the Internet for a long time.

Website maintenance involves the integration of knowledge on website planning, design, data analysis, operation, optimization, and promotion. At present, small and medium-sized enterprises are paying more and more attention to the understanding of the Internet, and they all want to develop on the Internet, so the website is not just a website on the Internet. It’s more displays that can bring direct benefits. The website wants to achieve the purpose of profit, from website construction planning, design to website optimization, website promotion work is responsible for the interests of the website.

General content of website maintenance:

1. Server and related software and hardware maintenance, evaluate possible problems, and ensure website response speed;

The server space, environment configuration and network status of the website, to ensure that the website is running 24 hours a day, and to ensure the speed of opening the website.

2, database maintenance, effective use of the database is an important part of website maintenance, so the maintenance of the database should be taken seriously;

Database knowledge understanding, timely backup of website database data and website source code data to prevent data loss caused by hacker intrusion.

3, content update, adjustment, etc.;

For a website, maintenance is the key point. Only by constantly updating the content of a website can the vitality of the website be ensured. Otherwise, the website will not have a positive impact on the company, but will have a negative impact on the company.

4. Formulate relevant website maintenance regulations to institutionalize and standardize website maintenance;

Data backup of the website for different time periods, website announcement news update, website page advertisement design, regular update of website content. Formulate a standardized system to ensure implementation.

5. Do a good job in website security management, prevent hackers from invading the website, check the various functions of the website, and whether the link is wrong.

Regularly check website security settings and check various functions of the website

Essential skills for website maintainers:

Website maintainers need to understand a certain amount of html knowledge, can use FTP to upload and download data files, simple data manipulation methods, strong ability to edit text, simple processing of pictures, simple server maintenance, etc.

