When did you start being unlikable?

Lei Musk
Quality life
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2022

Check what is preventing you from succeeding.

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

Did you suddenly find that one day, you suddenly became less popular. People don’t like talking to you anymore, they don’t like listening to you anymore. They see you dodging far away, or rushing away from you after saying hello. This discovery really frustrates you, but when did it start?

So, check yourself out against the checklist below, maybe you’ll get some inspiration.

1. You keep complaining all the time.

From the moment you open your eyes in the morning, you are resentful that the night is too short, and you have to wash your face with cold water in the face of the sleepy eyes in the mirror. Insufficient sleep allows tiny “caterpillars” to unknowingly climb up your face, making you so frightened that you will soon miss out on your youth. Damn job, damn schedule, damn manager, damn the pay isn’t great. Step out of the house and greet the goddamn stale air. It is always a traffic jam, and the work will never be finished. The ideas of customers are always changing. Thinking about how we work with complaints all day, I don’t know how sad we should be.

2. You have completely lost your sense of humor.

You’ve had a conflict at work with a colleague, and you’ve been annoyed all morning by insisting you’re right. It’s time for a lunch break, and you’re eating alone. Colleagues come over to joke with you, you ignore them, and they walk away in a huff. You don’t even know how to joke, there is no respite in life. So when you lose your sense of humor and lose your sense of humor just because you are in a bad mood, you should be aware that you are becoming unlikable.

3. It seems to you that everyone is stubborn.

At first glance, this sentence seems inconceivable. How can everyone you meet be stubborn? But this is often the case so you don’t know how to face others and yourself without knowing it. In fact, this is the stubbornness in your heart again. When your thinking changes, all the external events you feel will change with your change.

Naturally, when you can’t fully accept other people’s opinions, you will start to be stubborn, unable to listen to acceptable opinions, unable to face up to the source of things, and you will think that others are stubborn against you. At this point, you lose the methods and opportunities to solve the problem.

4. You have a hard time getting others to work with you.

The successful completion of many tasks is attributed to the cooperation of groups, and the power of groups cannot be ignored. No matter how bad the person you are working with is in your eyes, you cannot underestimate his ability to work. In terms of subdivision, nothing can be accomplished by one person alone, respect everyone, and don’t underestimate everyone’s ability, because everyone will play an irreplaceable role in his position.

When you refuse to collaborate with others to get work done, you distance yourself from them and you become isolated. The only source of your deliberate attempts to prevent others from participating in what you are doing is a lack of trust. You do not believe in the abilities of others and blindly pursue personal fulfillment.

Don’t be afraid that others will break your business. No one guarantees that there will be no mistakes. No matter what the result is, there will always be a good side of other people’s ideas for you to learn from.

5. Nothing can satisfy you.

You are a perfectionist, nothing can satisfy you, you can always find imperfections in others. Many times this is due to your stubbornness. Sometimes it’s someone else’s fault, you might as well communicate with him patiently and try to see the problem from another angle. Sometimes it’s your fault and you should apologize for blaming others for wanting to pass the buck.

At work, understand and respect each other’s work model, and on this basis, co-creating a new partnership will make you popular.

