Why do men live shorter than women?

Lei Musk
Quality life
Published in
5 min readAug 8, 2022

How can men live longer?

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In our inherent impression, we always think that men are stronger than women, and their physical fitness will be better than women. But in fact, looking at the ratio of males to females among the elderly around us, we can see that most men have shorter lifespans than women.

The WHO also found this pattern in animals, where they found that females live longer on average than males.

A British research team found that the risk of death in men is about 60% higher than that of women. The research team visited 28 countries and investigated 180,000 cases to study their living habits, underlying diseases, levels of smoking and drinking, and educational backgrounds. The research team found that men who smoked and drank had a 22 percent higher risk of heart disease than women.

Why do men live shorter lives?

Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

1. Genetic differences

Cells are metabolized all the time, old cells divide and proliferate new cells, new cells inherit their shape and function, and cell functions are determined by genes. Chromosomes are easily damaged during metabolism, and when the damage reaches a certain level, cells cannot divide and eventually die. The reason why men have shorter lifespans than women is because men’s cells divide faster, which is influenced by male hormones, which can speed up cell division.

Also, the male sex chromosome is XY, and most disease-causing genes are concentrated on the X chromosome. If X is dominantly inherited, both males and females may have the disease; if the X chromosome is recessive, the disease is more common in males. This shows that men have already lost in terms of genetics.

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2. Men are grumpy

Success is also in androgen, and failure is in androgen. In addition to speeding up cell division, male hormones can also make men unusually impulsive and short-tempered. Compared with women, men have a higher risk of traffic accidents. Generally, it has nothing to do with driving skills. It is because of conflicts with others during the driving process, resulting in accidents.

3. Not paying attention to health care

Most men decompress by smoking and drinking. Smoking and drinking are harmful to the body. Cigarettes contain thousands of chemical substances and dozens of carcinogens. Regular smoking can increase the risk of various cancers and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Alcohol is a dissolving agent, which promotes the mucosal absorption of cancer tissues and increases the risk of cancer.

How can men live longer?

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

1. Have a light diet

No matter what age group you are in, you should focus on a light diet, do a good job of matching meat and vegetables with thickness, and stay away from heavy-taste foods. In particular, a high-salt diet can hinder the absorption of minerals such as calcium and zinc, increase blood pressure, cause vascular stenosis, and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At the same time, the order of eating should be adjusted, and vegetables containing dietary fiber should be eaten first, followed by meat or eggs containing high-quality protein and fat, and finally the staple food. When eating, you should chew slowly, and the meal time should be more than 30 minutes to avoid overeating.

Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash

2. Insist on exercising

Exercising more in life can promote blood circulation throughout the body, increase basal metabolic rate, and activate cell vitality. Therefore, moderate exercise should be maintained, and the daily amount of exercise should not be less than 30 minutes. The combination of anaerobic exercise and aerobic exercise can delay aging and prolong life.

Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

3. Cheerful

Maintaining a peaceful mind, being positive and optimistic in the face of life, and learning to live in a relaxed and pleasant environment is also a way to maintain health. In daily life, hobbies can be cultivated, which can effectively promote the operation of the brain and help to regulate optimistic thoughts.

Although genetic factors cannot be changed, positive lifestyle changes can also benefit the body. In addition to adjusting your diet and exercising, you also need to ensure adequate sleep, wake up on time, fall asleep on time, and maintain a stable biological clock; maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, learn how to release stress; cultivate more hobbies, such as fishing, painting, photography or singing etc. They can divert attention, cultivate sentiment, and help release negative emotions.

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