Picture by Author (2018)

DevOps is synonymous for Seamless Collaboration

Olli Kulkki
Quality lives


DevOps aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. Focus is heavily set in unification and automation of processes, where engineers are instrumental in combining code, application maintenance, and application management. In the traditional view of software development operations and development would be different organizations or cost centers, and in many ways this transformation goal is justified.

Seamless collaboration has the goal of enabling employees, in various roles with individual and team responsibilities, to work together across boundaries. Seamless things are connected so well that you can’t see what’s holding them together. They’re flowing, consistent, and well-put-together. Seamless collaboration is intertwined with a strong people focus. Starting from capacity, through capability in activities and approaches to strategy where you focus on collaboration. If an employee leaves, and the replacement does a great job immediately, that’s a seamless transition.

Flexible team structures benefit your people and your business. Organisations that have embraced team agility as a mindset and a long-term operating model will also be more resilient. The modern workforce transforms while minimizing disruptions. In this new era of team creativity and digital-first customers, focusing on people is a foundational first step. From product point of view, I can claim that Agile enables people, processes and tools.

Smart digital processes help you get more value from your technology. Seamless and non-frictional operations to development relationship offer profits through cost savings and improved time to market to the shareholder, who will undoubtfully cheer this initiative and sponsor the costs.

With four very different starting points for trains of thought we reach a very similar endgame. All this being said, it starts with us, the engineers, irrelevant to what we want to call our actions and ways of working.

The author wishes to help the development environment hold the weather and reduce the number of disappointments experienced by millions of people in everyday life.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Olli Kulkki
Quality lives

Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Be silly. Be weird. Do crazy stuff. Write Ruby. Run Cypress. Build on Jenkins.