Image by Author. (2021)

Nurturing Automated Tests

Olli Kulkki
Quality lives


Nurturing your Automated Tests should be planned as carefully as possible to have a continuous flow that achieves a specific end. Improvements should be available for you as byte size tasks from the backlog when you have any downtime. A well nurtured and continuously improving automation builds trust that minimizes your anxiety levels.

A strategy describes the test level to be performed. While strategy is the action plan that takes you where you want to go, the tactics are the individual steps and actions that will get you there.

(Some) my individual steps could be,

  • Define your high business value.
  • Identify risk.
  • Understand the technology.
  • Make sure your test data is good. Doublecheck.
  • Define your collaboration models and devtestsecops. Socialize with them.
  • Tag your tests.
  • Refactor during focus hours.

Tactical plans outline what each organization needs to achieve, how it must do so and who has the responsibility for implementation. In a business context, this means the specific actions teams take to implement the initiatives outlined in the strategy.

(Some) of my tactics could be,

  • Start with something. Increase coverage over time.
  • Build fast feedback mechnisms. Screenshots. Logs. Debugging. Reporting. Emails.
  • Consider creation cost, maintenance, execution time and fragility.
  • Stay agile and adopt in-sprint test development practices.
  • Think about what you should automate. Smoke. Screener. Interfaces. Authentication.
  • Automation is an investment and over time you should be able to do more with the same time.
  • Learn every day. Study the competition. Try out other frameworks, and don’t fall in love with the one you are using every day.
  • Hustle. Collaborate. Show and tell. Ask questions.

Originally published at



Olli Kulkki
Quality lives

Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Be silly. Be weird. Do crazy stuff. Write Ruby. Run Cypress. Build on Jenkins.