Java Abstract Classes vs. Interface

Quang Nguyen
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2018

What are the differences between the two? Now that Java 8 enables default methods in interfaces, do you even need abstract classes at all?

Lets go over the attributes of an Abstract Class:

  • they may or may not include abstract methods
  • if a class includes abstract methods, then the class itself must be declared abstract

Now, similarities between Abstract Class and Interface:

  • can contain a mix of methods with or without implementation
  • both cannot be instantiated

Differences between the two:

Abstract Class:

  • can declare fields that are not static and final
  • can define public, protected, and private methods
  • can only extend one class ( for any class )


  • all fields are automatically static and final
  • methods are automatically public
  • methods are implicitly abstract unless declared otherwise
  • can implement many interfaces

And when you should consider using each of them:

Abstract Class:

  • want to share code among closely related classes
  • expect a class that extends an abstract class to have many common fields and methods, or require access modifiers other than public
  • want to declare non-static and non-final fields. Also enables you to define methods that can access and modify the state of object to which they belong


  • expect unrelated classes to implement the interface (e.g interface Comparable and Cloneable are implemented by many unrelated classes)
  • want to specify behavior but is not concern about who implements it
  • want to take advantage of multiple inheritance

Note that in code, “extends” comes before “implements” or else you will get a compiler error, e.g class A extends B implements C .

