Unique nonprofit technology: Quantibly ensures seamless fundraising and reporting

Gulfam Tasnim
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2023

Nonprofit technology and how it can help raise funds-the lifeline of nonprofits

Do you know why raising funds and donations without demonstrating your actual impact can impede success? It is because funders and donors want “real” proof of the work that is implemented with their funds, and Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) often fail to show this proof. A few photos, reviews, and vlogs are not enough to have someone’s confidence to donate regularly and substantially to your cause. That is why we built Quantibly (tailored technology for nonprofits)- to make fundraising and reporting effortless. It does not cost a penny for the first 10 users to initiate Quantibly with the Start up Edition.

The positive correlation between data management, impact, and fundraising

The impact of every NPO relies heavily on accurate data and its management. NPOs spend a significant amount of time and resources on data management to demonstrate impact. Whenever there is a blunder in the process of data management and reporting, NPOs not only fail to show their actual impact but also risk losing potential donors and funders. Therefore, an efficient nonprofit technology will not only help in presenting impact data but will also guarantee the seamless functioning of your organization by ensuring proper fund management and reporting. Needless to say, proper fund management and the ability to create effective reports will guarantee long-term sustainability for nonprofits by satisfying existing donors and attracting prospective funders.

The basics of Quantibly’s fundraising module

A click on Quantibly’s Fundraising module can help you get the fundraising support you need. Check out our demo version if you want to explore Quantibly before signing up. The demo version will give you a clear idea about what Quantibly offers. Once you decide to use Quantity for your NPO, follow these easy steps to sign-up and manage your funds:

  1. Choose whether you want to sign up for the Start up Edition or Enterprise Edition;
  2. Click on the Fundraising module, where you can add your funders or prospective funders such as Foundations, Corporations and Government organizations;
  3. Follow Quantibly’s format for entering data and enter information about the amount of funds requested, funds obtained as well as duration, and in turn you will get valuable insights from Quantibly about your funds;
  4. If you need help entering your data into Quantibly’s system, contact Quantibly’s dedicated support team at: support@quantibly.com.
Preview of Quantibly’s Fundraising Module

Quantibly makes life easy for NPOs as it has all the necessary features in one easy-to-use place. This mitigates the risk of losing and mismanaging data, a key risk of NPO closure. Its unique features ensure sustainability and compliance by taking charge of data and handling it in a way so that no NPOs’ reputation is at stake.

