The World of Learning needs Change

Andrew Kamal
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2020

Right now due to the increasing costs of universities, the lack of up to date learning curriculum, and the less needed degrees are for many modern companies, the more change is needed to be done. This topic been talked about 100s of times over, so I don’t want to talk about it at least for this post.

What I want to talk about are current alternatives.

I feel like e-learning and certification programs are becoming more and more prominent. Udemy, Skillshare, and PluralSight are quite cost efficient. EDx and Coursera even offers some free material, along with Outside of this, I even run Mentors4EDU and it has tons of course offerings. Websites like LeetCode are a pretty good deal for yearly subscriptions. Then you have social media academies, or websites for different audiences such as Trendimi or ExpertRating Solutions. YouTube, BitChute, GitHub and BitBucket also can be “educational” resources. By the way, TeacherTube is still around.

Another educational alternative that have been out there are ISAs, or “Income-Share Agreements”. However, I am not a big fan of ISAs, development bootcamps or many of these supposed training programs. Many of them are too basic and don’t seem to have material that differentiate themselves enough or that isn’t easy to learn for free.

That is why as a person who continuously teaches things online, I thought perhaps this same startup working on social trading and innovative chess leagues, may start doing its own effective ISA program. Just a thought to see how many people are interested in signing up for updates. However, I am motivated. Consider this the announcement.

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind throughout this article, everything we are saying is on an opinion based basis. We aren’t at all trying to convince anybody to drop out from uni or anything like that (as least not in this post). We also aren’t claiming to solicit financial advice. Please do your own due diligence and everything you decide to do is at your own risk. This article also may contain some obvious conflicts of interest.



Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite