Why I am not a big EOS Fan

Andrew Kamal
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2020

Besides me considering EOS a foe, I do actually have some history not being a fan of EOS. I also wasn’t a huge fan of Brock Pierce. Brock Pierce has some controversy surrounding him, and this is during the time he is running some “presidential campaign”. You probably never heard of the guy, but he has become pretty big on crypto.

As this post would point out, not many of his crypto projects seemed like massive successes in the long run. Infact, considering what EOS is, the biggest thing about them seemed like their ICO.

I mean EOS claims to be the “Most Powerful Infrastructure for Decentralized Applications”, according to their GitHub. In terms of groundbreaking features, here is a screenshot of what they list:

For 1 and 2, and regarding other optimization and latency arguments, the EOS blockchain isn’t that congested. In terms of hierarchical role based permissions, hardware/biometric keys support, and “designed for” features, all of those are arbitrary. You literally have many open source blockchain infrastructures projects out there that didn’t need a large ICO.

I mean you are talking about a company that had an ICO raising 4.1 billion dollars, at an insidiously higher market cap, only to now currently have an entire market cap of only $2.4 billion. Many people consider EOS more of a cloud computing service, and it is one of the most centralized “blockchain” infrastructures I seen. Though at this point, people slap the word blockchain on lots of things.

Decreasing +66% of market cap in a matter of few months (Chart Source: CoinMarketCap)
All of EOS Pricing History (Source: CoinMarketCap)

I feel like this video by John Oliver summarizing things pretty well.

You can also see the entire video here, and he even goes into details with some more great hits:

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of Bitcoin. I also work a lot on various decentralization technologies. This may be a conflict of interest in regards to my opinion, but I’m very sour towards to EOS. The technology wasn’t setup in a way I adore and neither were the financials.

I wish the dude the best if he is actually trying to build revolutionary things that benefit humanity. Currently, I don’t see this the case.

Disclosure: Please keep in mind, everything I say is on an opinion based basis. This is not meant to be taken seriously or as actionable financial advice. Do your own due diligence and any trades/investments you do is at your own risk. We are not responsible, proceed with caution and we are trying to voice an opinion not meant to warrant action. This is solely meant to be viewed as a non actionable opinion not meant to be taken as seriously or as a form of actionable advice.



Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite