Quantum Converse → Weekly #1

Aditya Mulgundkar
Quantum Converse
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2020

Hello World! This is the first publication for Quantum Converse Weekly & I’m excited to bring you the best of this week’s updates. You should definitely sign-up for the newsletter at: http://eepurl.com/hdqSGb; in order to receive future publications directly in your mailbox.

Observations & Measurements (What’s New)

The Breakthrough Junior Challenge, a short video competition for high school students, in which they have to explain a physics, life sciences or mathematics related scientific idea has generated some really good student submissions:

Some Superposition(Tutorials)

It’s Certain (Open Source)

  • Someone wrote the Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm in QisKit — you can run it on a IBM Quantum Computer or in your QASM simulator offline. I haven’t checked it out myself, but you definitely should:

Get Entangled (Jobs & Offers)

  • The QOSF (Quantum Open Source Foundation) Mentorship Program’s applications were supposed to be done by September 13th, 2020; but the form still seems to be available:
    Try out your luck, maybe you’d still get in for an interesting project.
  • IBM is taking applications for it’s Summer 2021 Quantum Internships; the 2020 cohort just ended & we have high hopes for the 2021 batch, interested students should apply at:

Thanks a lot for reading the Quantum Converse Weekly — your feedback for each issue will define how this publication takes shape in the future & is critical to it’s functioning. Kindly take about ~3 minutes of your time to fill out the feedback form at the end or directly message your reviews to me on Reddit.

Sign up to the weekly newsletter: http://eepurl.com/hdqSGb

Feedback form: https://forms.gle/qUAcdE3yhuLsZDCp7

