Quantum Converse → Weekly #3

Aditya Mulgundkar
Quantum Converse
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2020

Observations & Measurements (What’s New)

Some Superposition (Tutorials)

It’s Certain (Open Source)

Since many of you liked toe-dipping in Open Source QC and since GitHub’s Hacktoberfest is right around the corner (yay!), could there ever be a better time to contribute to a project in QC? (Oh, also, GitHub gives away free swag/ plants a tree on your behalf; if you qualify for the fest)

Get Entangled (Jobs & Offers)

  • The Unitary Fund is trying to create a quantum technology ecosystem — you should look into their previous grants & ideas/future plans even if you aren’t looking for a research grant:
  • This panel talked about finding jobs in Quantum Computing. The video was part of the concluding series in this year’s Qiskit Global Summer School & has some great panelists (inc. John Preskill):

Thanks for the continuous responses on feedback forms — I’m actively trying to change things up by just a little bit each week! I’m currently in the process of creating an online resource for the best courses; graduate programs; study materials, etc & that will be shared with you next week. Stay tuned!

Sign up to the weekly newsletter: http://eepurl.com/hdqSGb

Feedback form: https://forms.gle/qUAcdE3yhuLsZDCp7

