5 Lessons Learned From Cohort #1 Of The Collective’s AI Web3 Accelerator

Lou Kerner
Quantum Economics


Today (August 19th) we open up applications for Cohort #2 of the CryptoOracle Collective’s AI Web3 Accelerator starting September 23rd. Click here to apply.

But before we move on to Cohort #2, I’d like to share some lessons learned following the completion of Cohort #1 of the Accelerator.

#1 Hosting An Accelerator Was A Great First Project For The Collective

We announced the start of the CryptoOracle Collective on July 4th, 2022, by stating:

The mission of community-owned CryptoOracle Collective is to provide world-class consulting services to leading web3 projects, solving three major problems of the burgeoning web3 industry

We had 24 web3 experts at launch. Today, we have 300+. So we expanded the mission to include building our own projects, the first of which was the AI Web3 Accelerator, starting with Cohort #1. And by our two main measures of success (% of cohort members that get funding and cohort member surveys), the Accelerator is a resounding success. And the credit for that success falls squarely on the CryptoOracle Collective members pictured below who organized and hosted the Accelerator for a share of Accelerator proceeds. It was truly a (decentralized) community effort.

#2 It Takes A Village

Hosting an Accelerator is a lot of work if you want to add meaningful value to cohort members. In addition to the Collective community members who ran the Accelerator, cohort members also benefitted from our partners (logos below), most of whom also taught classes at the Collective:

#3 The Highest Rated Courses Were About Pitching

Andrew Ackerman, who ran the Dream It Accelerator in NYC for 7 years, taught both of the classes, which were highly appreciated by cohort members. The first pitch class was:

The second class was:

#4 Significant Value Add Occurred Between Cohort Members

A major benefit of the Accelerator for cohort members derived from the interactions that occured, and the relationships that developed, between cohort members. This was surprising given the entire program was remote and we didn’t focus on fostering those relationships. But given the significant value cohort members derived from those relationships, it will be more of a focus for Cohort #2.

#5 As Every Cohort Member Is Unique, Requiring Certain Attributes Enables More Shared Learning

Every cohort member is a one off, with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. We addressed that disparity in Cohort #1 by providing bespoke one-on-one mentoring sessions where the specific needs of a project gets laser focus.

The biggest change in Cohort #2 is our focus on projects that are on the path to tokenizing. We made that change for two reasons. First, we feel tokenizing is a better way forward for most projects. Second, it enables us to have a more focused experience given the greater uniformity among cohort members.

Click here to apply for Cohort #2 of the CryptoOracle Collective AI WEb3 Accelerator starting September 23rd.

You can check out all the classes on CryptoOracle’s YouTube channel, including the recording from Demo Day:

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Lou Kerner
Quantum Economics

Believe Crypto is the biggest thing to happen in the history of mankind. Focused on community (founded the CryptoOracle Collective & CryptoMondays)