Research Shows Fewer Than 25% Of Brits Want a ‘Digital Pound’

(And perhaps that’s still too many)

Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog
Published in
7 min readApr 28, 2022


A wooden square, made of four smaller squares, with an image that says “CBDC” and has a picture of a bank.
Image: CBDCs in the U.K.? Licensed Adobe Stock by Parradee

This research was sponsored by Luno, a platform that allows users to buy, save and manage cryptocurrencies.

Earlier this year, Quantum Economics commissioned some custom research through 3Gem about the status of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the U.K.

The results made for some compelling reading.

A thousand respondents of both sexes across all national areas and age groups were asked about various aspects of their understanding of these assets, what they owned and what they thought of certain proposals.

One of questions, the subject of the this article, was proposed this way:

The Bank of England is considering creating a digital version of the British pound, something called a “Central Bank Digital Currency” (CBDC). What do you think of this idea?

The answers, overall, could be broken down as follows:

There are the top-line numbers but, like any survey based data, to really discover what they mean, we need to look a little more closely.

‘First glance’ observations



Jason Deane
The Bitcoin Blog

I blog on things I am passionate about: Bitcoin, writing, money, life’s crazy turns and being a dad. Lover of learning, family and cheese. (