The Coming Epic Battle Between Crypto & FAMGA

Lou Kerner
Quantum Economics
7 min readSep 9, 2018


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Crypto is a new computing paradigm, poised to create more disruption and wealth creation in the next 20 years, than the internet has in the last 20. The question I face as a VC is who is going to capture that massive wealth creation? The wealth creation can either go largely to the five incumbents who have captured the majority of tech wealth creation over the last five years, or to the new entrants, aka the crypto natives. In this post I’m going to 1) define what I mean by crypto, 2) highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the two warring factions, and 3) state the factors that will decide the coming epic battle for capturing the future wealth generation of crypto.

Defining Crypto?

There are four emerging technologies:

  1. Blockchain — aka Truth
  2. CryptoCurrency — aka frequent flier miles
  3. Smart Contracts — aka as if-this-then-that statements
  4. Zero Knowledge Proof — aka the ability to prove things without showing anything, aka Magic

Those four technologies, in combination, are ushering in a new paradigm in computing, that enables an (almost) infinite variety of new business processes. That’s what all new computing paradigms…



Lou Kerner
Quantum Economics

Believe Crypto is the biggest thing to happen in the history of mankind. Focused on community (founded the CryptoOracle Collective & CryptoMondays)