Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing

WOMANIUM Global Quantum Media Project Initiative — Winner of Global Quantum Media Project

FEROZ AHMAD فيروز أحمد
Quantum Engineering
10 min readAug 15, 2023


Image Credits: Experiments Show Quantum Computers Can Be Better Than the Sum of Their Parts (

Table of Contents:

01) Discovery of Individual Quantum Systems
02) Trapped Ion Quantum Computing: An Overview
03) Ion Trapping and Manipulation
04) Microstructure Traps
05) Laser Cooling and Motional Control
06) Qubit Realization and State Detection
07) Coherent Control and Quantum Gates
08) Single Qubit Gates and Laser Manipulation
09) Addressing Challenges and Technical Complexity
10) Quantum Manipulation of Atomic Magnetic Moments
11) Precision Individual Ion Addressing
12) Momentum Impartation via Microwave Radiation
14) Robust Two-Qubit Gates with Dynamic Decoupling
15) Gate Resilience against Motional Excitation
16) Advancing Quantum Algorithms through Multi-Qubit Gates
17) Efficient Implementation of the Toffoli Gate
18) Economic Quantum Computing with Half Adders

Historical Introduction

The dawn of Quantum Technology heralds a second quantum revolution. Commencing around 1900 with Max Planck’s constant, quantum physics garnered triumph in elucidating natural phenomena and pioneering devices. Quantum effects underpinned landmark inventions such as the transistor and laser, ubiquitous in today’s industrial and research landscape. Notably, these were founded on “collective” quantum effects, involving ensembles rather than singular quantum entities. Schrödinger’s 1952s assertion that single quantum system experimentation, like a solitary electron or atom, would remain elusive was fundamentally altered on April 17, 1979. This pivotal date marked the first observation of single atoms and quantum systems, setting the stage for the present era of individual quantum system manipulation.

Discovery of Individual Quantum Systems

The skepticism Erich Schrödinger held regarding the isolation of single particles becomes evident in his statement:

Erich Schrödinger’s doubts about isolating single particles are evident from his statement, “We never experiment with just one electron or atom or (small) molecule.” He believed that while such assumptions were made in thought experiments, they often led to absurd outcomes. To illustrate his point, he humorously compared this notion to trying to raise Ichthyosauria in a zoo [Brit. J. Phil. Sci. 3, 233 (1952)].

A significant turning point in the field of quantum research occurred on April 17, 1979. During this time, physicist Neuhauser made meticulous observations that documented Single Atomic Ions in his lab notebook. This marked the initial steps towards closely examining individual atoms.

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The progress in this direction was made possible through the collaborative work of Hans Dehmelt and Wolfgang Paul. They conducted a groundbreaking experiment that hinged on Paul’s innovative technique to capture and study individual atoms. Their efforts were acknowledged when they jointly received the Nobel Prize in 1989 for their pioneering work.

The journey of understanding and utilizing individual quantum systems continued with incremental advancements. Notably, David Wineland and Serge Haroche made significant contributions, leading to their joint Nobel Prize recognition in 2012. Their work facilitated the manipulation and measurement of individual quantum systems, which laid the groundwork for modern trapped ion quantum computing.

Trapped Ion Quantum Computing: An Overview

We now embarks upon the application of trapped ions for quantum computing. This exposition endeavors to introduce the utility of trapped ions in quantum computing, particularly focusing on the Magnetic Gradient Induced Coupling (MAGIC) approach, leveraging radio frequency radiation over laser light.

Addressing of a single qubit within a quantum byte. Image Credits: [3]

Ion Trapping and Manipulation

The foundation of ion trapping entails the construction of an ion trap. The seminal design, attributed to Wolfgang Paul, entails four electrodes partitioned to form four rods.

(a) Illustration of a quadrupole Paul trap where the ponderomotive potential from RF and ground electrodes confines in three dimensions. Electrodes have hyperbolic shapes. (b) A dual-layer linear Paul trap with two rod RF electrodes and two segmented RF ground electrodes that confine transversely; static voltages ensure axial confinement. c) Diagram of a five-wire surface Paul trap, with ion confinement from surface electrodes between RF strips. Control static voltage electrodes are included for control. Image Credits: [4]

Voltage application to these rods, with two carrying positive charge and two carrying negative charge, generates an effective potential landscape.

Schematic of a classical quadrupole ion trap: A positively charged particle (dark red) is enclosed by a cloud of like-charged particles (light red). An electric field E (blue) originates from endcap quadrupoles (a, positive) and a ring electrode (b). Two stages in an AC cycle are depicted in Pictures 1 and 2. Image Credits: [5]

This electrostatic arrangement, combined with dynamic polarity changes, engenders confinement through the creation of an effective harmonic potential. The extension to three dimensions necessitates additional electrodes, yielding a combination of static and dynamic potentials for comprehensive confinement.

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Microstructure Traps

The microstructure Paul trap, adhering to the same underlying principle as the original design, offers a compact 3D trapping configuration with an integrated microwave resonator.

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A 2D variation of this trap also exists, presenting all electrodes on a single surface. Notably, the inclusion of a microwave resonator facilitates ion control through microwave radiation, exemplifying a nuanced dimension of control in ion trapped quantum computing.

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Laser Cooling and Motional Control

Laser cooling emerges as a crucial tool to mitigate the excessive motional energy exhibited by confined ions. Utilizing photons to impart momentum, the cooling process involves photon absorption by ions, subsequently causing momentum reduction. This iterative process approximates the action of table tennis balls on a bowling ball, ultimately resulting in significant reduction of ion motional energy.

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The unique advantage of trapped ion systems is that the cooling process targets the ions themselves, without affecting the larger apparatus.

Qubit Realization and State Detection

Transitioning towards qubits, internal states of ions are harnessed. Two suitably selected, long-lived states constitute the qubit basis. This demarcation enables projective measurement through laser scattering. Detection fidelities of remarkable precision have been achieved, allowing for the identification of ion states.

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State preparation, a cornerstone of quantum computing, is similarly accomplished via laser manipulation. These integral components form the bedrock for quantum computation, poised to enact coherent control of trapped ions, driving the advancement of quantum algorithms.

Coherent Control and Quantum Gates

In the realm of quantum computing, precise manipulation of qubit states through coherent control is paramount. Coherent quantum gates consist of two foundational elements: single qubit gates and specific two-qubit gates. These elements collectively enable the synthesis of diverse quantum algorithms. The responsibility of experimentalists lies in validating these gate operations, ensuring their accuracy. However, actualizing this synthesis entails complexities that surpass initial appearances.

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Single Qubit Gates and Laser Manipulation

Single qubit manipulation within an array of trapped ions involves using electromagnetic radiation to induce coherent superposition of qubit states. Leveraging the diffraction limit, an optical wavelength is essential due to its capacity to focus radiation to a confined region. This limitation prompts the exclusive use of laser light for precision manipulation of trapped ions. Concurrently, for two qubit gate operations, an effective quantum bus emerges from the common vibrational motion of ions, initiated by the excitation of a specific ion. The transfer of momentum that arises necessitates short wavelengths, often in the optical regime, to facilitate efficient momentum transfer and conditional quantum gate operations.

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Addressing Challenges and Technical Complexity

The endeavor of coherent control of ions is underpinned by a comprehensive optical setup that entails laser sources and a range of optical elements. This intricate arrangement highlights that the crux of complexity lies in the meticulous control of laser light for ion manipulation.

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Remarkably, the transition to MAGIC affords a transformative shift.

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By replacing laser-based manipulation with radio frequency (RF) sources, the experimental landscape becomes substantially simplified. RF sources, with their advanced capabilities and signal fidelity, enable coherent control while significantly reducing technical complexity. This innovative approach retains the necessity of lasers for cooling and detection, though their demands are relatively streamlined in comparison to the intricacies of coherent control.

Quantum Manipulation of Atomic Magnetic Moments

The operational principle of the ion trapped quantum computing setup hinges upon the interaction of hyperfine states representing the atomic magnetic moment. The energy levels of these states are contingent upon the alignment of the magnetic moment with external fields, akin to a classical compass needle.

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Quantum mechanics elucidates that discrete energy outcomes exist, separated by an energy differential, Delta Δ. Transitioning between these energy states necessitates altering the magnetic orientation.

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In scenarios involving two atoms subjected to inhomogeneous fields, discrepant field strengths induce discrete energy states and correspondingly, disparate transition frequencies. This phenomenon, denoting the discrete motion of trapped ions in an inhomogeneous field, is harnessed to effect individual ion addressing and manipulation.

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Precision Individual Ion Addressing

Individual ion addressing is realized with high precision. The addressing error’s diminutiveness necessitates quantification through iterative evaluation. By conducting numerous operations on a given ion, subsequent errors manifesting in an adjacent ion are scrutinized. The resultant single-shot error is determined to be 7.6 x 10^-5, displaying exceptional fidelity.

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Cross-talk interferences within the system are meticulously analyzed through a comprehensive cross-talk matrix, revealing mutual perturbations on the order of 10^-5. Such precision in individual addressing and cross-talk management is imperative to maintain the integrity of error-corrected quantum computation.

Momentum Impartation via Microwave Radiation

The methodology of imparting momentum to ions through microwave radiation is governed by the wavelength of the radiation, notably at cm scales. The momentum, inversely proportional to the wavelength, is typically inadequate for momentum transfer.

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However, the magnetic field gradient within the inhomogeneous field circumvents this constraint by inducing motion in ions. By exploiting the transition between energy states, ions can be propelled within the harmonic potential. This magnetic gradient-induced coupling of the internal and motional states of ions facilitates conditional dynamics, enabling nuanced quantum operations without the need for explicit momentum transfer.

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Trapped ions offer a versatile platform for pragmatic quantum computing, employing the unique Hamiltonian defined by individual ion resonance frequencies and magnetic gradient fields.

The resulting MAGIC engenders spin-spin interactions between ions. By harnessing MAGIC, diverse strategies for quantum computing emerge, with a primary focus on robust two-qubit gates. Through judicious manipulation and analysis, the cross-talk matrix is established, ensuring minimal inter-ion interference. This meticulous control permits fault-tolerant quantum operations, a quintessential prerequisite for scalable quantum computation.

Robust Two-Qubit Gates with Dynamic Decoupling

The application of trapped ions in quantum computing manifests in robust two-qubit gates, exemplified by dynamic decoupling sequences. These sequences leverage dynamical decoupling to both enhance coherence and facilitate gate operations. Notably, the implementation involves a single microwave field per qubit, showcasing economical efficiency. Additionally, employing two-qubit gates harnessing ion crystal’s motional modes further accelerates gate operation while preserving fidelity.

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Gate Resilience against Motional Excitation

The resilience of quantum gates against motional excitation is demonstrated by intentionally initiating imperfections in the ions’ cooling states. Remarkably, fidelity remains unmarred despite significant phonon excitation, promising robustness. Furthermore, systematic deviations such as trap frequency uncertainty and pulse sequence imprecision are evaluated, revealing the gates’ resilience against various sources of error.

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Advancing Quantum Algorithms through Multi-Qubit Gates

Multi-qubit gates, pivotal for enhancing quantum algorithm efficiency, are made viable by leveraging long-range always-on interactions. The coherent Quantum Fourier Transform, executed on three qubits through this mechanism, outpaces traditional two-qubit CNOT gates in computational speed. Notably, long-range coupling accelerates quantum algorithms and unlocks heightened computational capabilities.

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Efficient Implementation of the Toffoli Gate

The Toffoli gate, a universally essential three-qubit gate, is efficiently implemented through always-on interaction. By selectively driving one qubit and employing always-on interaction, the Toffoli gate is realized with a singular active drive and subsequently enables broader quantum algorithm implementation.

Economic Quantum Computing with Half Adders

An elementary yet critical computing component, the half adder, is realized through a single CNOT gate, offering a cost-effective approach compared to the conventional two-qubit gate route. This economical strategy exemplifies the efficiency inherent to multi-qubit gates.

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Additionally, the capability to shuttle ions while preserving their quantum states is a promising precursor to scalable quantum computation endeavors.

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Trapped ions, with their intrinsic uniformity and localization, provide an advantageous quantum computing foundation. Notably, their laser-cooled state and isolation yield extended coherence times. In two-qubit gates utilizing radiofrequency interactions, exceptionally high fidelities have been achieved, underscoring their robustness and viability for quantum information processing.


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

[1] WOMANIUM. “WOMANIUM QUANTUM : DAY 18 ❯ Hardware Lecture: Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing (Christof Wunderlich).” YouTube, Jul 31, 2023. [Online Video]. Available:

[2] W. Neuhauser, M. Hohenstatt, P. E. Toschek, and H. Dehmelt, “Localized visible ${\mathrm{Ba}}^{+}$ mono-ion oscillator,” Phys. Rev. A, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1137–1140, Sep. 1980. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.22.1137. [Online]. Available:

[3] C. Piltz, T. Sriarunothai, A. Varón, et al., “A trapped-ion-based quantum byte with 10^(-5) next-neighbour cross-talk,” Nat. Commun., vol. 5, p. 4679, Aug. 2014. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5679. [Online]. Available:

[4] Siverns, J. & Simkins, L. & Weidt, Seb & Hensinger, W.. (2011). On the application of radio frequency voltages to ion traps via helical resonators. Applied Physics B. 106. 10.1007/s00340–011–4837–0.

[5] Quadrupole ion trap,” Wikipedia, [Online]. Available:

[6] Lange, W. (2012). Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions . In: Meyers, R. (eds) Computational Complexity. Springer, New York, NY.



FEROZ AHMAD فيروز أحمد
Quantum Engineering

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