A brief quantum computing primer

Learning from Simon McAdams at Cambridge Quantum Computing

Paolo Cuomo
Quantum Computing


At Quantum London we ask all our webinar presenters to give a brief overview of what quantum computing is. This allows first-time members and people new to the subject to start building their understanding.

But, you might think, regulars must be getting bored of this by now. In most cases no. This is a non-trivial topic and hearing different people explain it in different ways is invaluable. As one of our members said:

Even after the fifth explanation I’m confused. By the tenth time it might half make sense.

It is also true that the space is moving so fast that even with a monthly frequency there are updates in terms of qubit numbers and the latest technological advancements.

Today’s explanation

In our 25 November webinar we were joined by Simon McAdams and Matthias Rosenkranz of Cambridge Quantum Computing. Matthias spoke in detail about the application of quantum computing in finance and insurance. (A link to this write-up will be added over the coming days.)

Simon preceded this with an invaluable overview. I have summarised the key points here. Any lack of clarity…

