A Tour Through the Quantum Ecosystem — Doug Finke

A free quantum computing webinar on 23 Feb with Quantum London

Quantum London
Quantum Computing


WEBINAR LINK: https://my.demio.com/ref/5HVSLcNqlKk7VtZV

We’ve had some great events recently diving into specific aspects of quantum computing and quantum technology. If you’re after more of an overview then join us on 23 February when Doug Finke, Managing Editor of the Quantum Computing Report will be speaking with Emanuele and Anahita on the subject of:

A Tour Through the Quantum Ecosystem

As per usual this will be a 6pm UK-time start for the webinar with questions addressed after the main presentation.

Webinar summary

There are hundreds of organizations worldwide that are working on different aspects of quantum technology. These include commercial companies working on hardware, software, and applications as well as researchers at universities, government laboratories and non-profits working on new developments.

In order for quantum computing to become successful many different organizations will need to work together to create a solution that provides quantum advantage and solves a real world problem better than can be achieved with classical computing.



Quantum London
Quantum Computing

Spotting and sharing quantum computing’s business impact — now and in the future. Quantum Business book link: https://amzn.to/3xaoLgz