Impacts of quantum computing on insurance report

Congratulations to Anahita Zardoshti for an excellent document

Paolo Cuomo (talks tech)
Quantum Computing


Screen grab of report cover

Fantastic that we now have access to an excellent report on quantum computing insurance from Lloyd’s of London. While there is a large and growing amount of literature out there on how we think quantum computing will impact the real world, it’s great to have a document specific oriented toward the insurance industry.

As a physics graduate and leader of Quantum London Ana is perfectly positioned to help people in the insurance space understand why this technology topic is of genuine board-level importance after the distractions of overhyped tech such as blockchain.

The report is available for downloading here:

Ana will be chairing a discussion on “When should insurance board members start caring about quantum computing?” in a Lloyd’s Lab event on 11 February.

Join Ana, me and co-founder Em Colonnella for other quantum computing events via MeetUp, or in particular this discussion on the quantum ecosystem on 23rd Feb.



Paolo Cuomo (talks tech)
Quantum Computing

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