Lessons From Our Tour Through the Quantum Ecosystem

Links and videos from Doug Finke’s quantum computing talk on 23 Feb

Quantum London
Quantum Computing


Screen capture at the event

On Tuesday we hear from Doug Finke who took us on a tour through the quantum ecosystem. Thanks everyone for attending! We’re going to need a bigger webinar license at the rate things are growing.

A few links etc, starting with how to find out more about Doug and the Quantum Computing Report.

Homepage: https://quantumcomputingreport.com/

Newsletter sign-up: https://quantumcomputingreport.com/about/qcr-alerts-signup-form/


As with all of the webinars for which we have permission to record you can find the video on the Quantum London YouTube channel.


Doug has kindly agree to give the audience access to the slides. Please find them via this link.



Quantum London
Quantum Computing

Spotting and sharing quantum computing’s business impact — now and in the future. Quantum Business book link: https://amzn.to/3xaoLgz