McKinsey Webcast — Gen AI and the workplace of the future

A fascinating sounding online event

Paolo Cuomo (talks tech)
Quantum Computing


Details from website

February 22, 2024
12:00–1:00p ET / 6:00–7:00p CET / 10:30–11:30p IST

As we move past the huge initial buzz surrounding gen AI, it’s time to think more concretely about how to move past the pilot phase and implement it in the workplace. How can companies go about embedding it in their business functions safely and effectively? As these technology tools change workflows, employers may find themselves grappling with bigger questions about job responsibilities, skills, and the roles they’ll need to fill in the future. Can organizations also use gen AI to transform the way they identify talent and deliver training? Beyond making workers more productive, could this step forward in technology manage to make work more fun and fulfilling?

Join McKinsey’s Chief People Officer & Senior Partner Katy George (New Jersey) and McKinsey Global Institute Partner Michael Chui (Bay Area) as they discuss how generative AI is transforming the world of work, and how to stay ahead.

Link here



Paolo Cuomo (talks tech)
Quantum Computing

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