Quantum Computing applications in Financial Services

Quantum London directory of articles and information

Paolo Cuomo
Quantum Computing
Published in
5 min readOct 24, 2020


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Updated: 11 June 2022
All-industry directory available here; for our Quantum Primer ebook go here.

Financial Firms Seek Edge in Algorithms Inspired by Quantum Computing

Isabelle Bousquette, The Wall Street Journal, June 2022

According to Will Zeng, head of quantum research at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., it makes sense that demand from financial services is so high because the industry has well-specified mathematical problems, in which incremental improvements in computing can make huge differences to the bottom line.

“There’s definitely big, valuable problems that have a theoretical quantum advantage,” Dr. Zeng said.

Multiverse Computing’s Quantum-based Fair Price Solution a Step Toward Quantum Advantage in Finance

