Quantum Computing for CISOs

Join the inaugural session of Quantum London’s CISO community on 26 April

Quantum London
Quantum Computing


IMPORTANT: This event has moved to Zoom. Join us here.


There is genuine excitement about the potential of quantum computing to impact almost every industry. (See our quantum impact directory for real-world specifics.)

In parallel to these opportunities people are becoming increasingly aware of the threats that quantum computing bring to many aspect of everyday life. This is primarily due to quantum computers ability to rapidly break encryption keys used in many of the standard security protocols in place today.

What is also becoming increasingly clear is that the speed of development of quantum computing means that hackers could have access to QCaaS (Quantum Computing as a Service) within the same time horizon that it takes to upgrade core IT systems and communications networks.

As such, this is a ‘today problem’

As CISOs and other IT, risk and security professionals it is not longer an option to not have answers for your Boards on these topics. Whether questions around the upgrade path to quantum-safe infrastructure, your understanding of post-quantum cryptography or how you prepared you…



Quantum London
Quantum Computing

Spotting and sharing quantum computing’s business impact — now and in the future. Quantum Business book link: https://amzn.to/3xaoLgz