Quantum London webinar directory

Links to write-ups and videos of our webinar series

Paolo Cuomo
Quantum Computing


Please use this page to link to videos and write-ups. If you are not a Medium member please click on the “Link here” text rather than the image to get free access to the pages.

Please get in touch with Paolo Cuomo, Emanuele Colonnella or Anahita Zardoshti if you want further information.

Webinar #15 — Diversity in Quantum Computing
Thur 29 April

Details to follow

Webinar #14- Quantum Business Advantage Today #2

21 April, with Sia partners

Sign-up here.

Before: Overview

Webinar #13 — Quantum Buisness Advantage Today #1

7 April, with Sia Partners

Sign-up here.

Before: Overview and more about the speakers

Webinar #12 — The UK Quantum Computer

March 15, Rigetti & Standard Chartered Bank

After — article on UK Quantum Computer and videos of both background and Quantum ML in Finance

Before link here

Quantum Computing in Insurance

In February we ran two insurance-focused events. These were not part of the webinar series but the links are available here.

Initial event in partnership with Lloyd’s of London, 11 Feb — link here and here

Follow-up event , 16 Feb— link here

Webinar #11 — A Tour Through the Quantum Ecosystem

23 February, Doug Finke, The Quantum Computing Report

After, including link to slides — link here

Before link here

Webinar #10 — Quantum versus Quantum

2 February, ID Quantique, Bruno Huttner and Jean-Sébastien Pegon

The risks of quantum technology and how other quantumtech can fight back. (Also see related article by Paolo)

Afterlink here

Before link here

Webinar #9— Patent Protection for quantum technologies

12 January, Venner Shipley

After link here

Before link here

Webinar #8 — Managing Quantum Risk and Opportunity

16 December, Prof Michele Mosca

After link here

Before link here

Webinar #7 — Cambridge Quantum Computing

Simon McAdams & Matthias Rosenkranz

Coming on Wed 25 Nov. Sign-up.

Simon & Matthias will be talking us through CQC’s focus which is the development of architecture-agnostic, enterprise quantum solutions to tackle some of industry’s most intriguing challenges.

This includes quantum chemistry, quantum machine learning, quantum cyber security and quantum software covering chemical, energy, financial and material science organizations.

For more info link here.

Webinar #6 — Quantum Computing: A Guide for the Perplexed

Andy Stanford-Clark — IBM UK’s CTO

Coming on Wed 11 Nov. Sign-up

Andy will introduce the mind-bending principles of quantum computing, give some history of the technology, and describe potential application areas for quantum computers.

He will take us on tour inside a real quantum computer, and explain how you can get free hands-on experience of IBM’s quantum computer, and start to learn how to program these exciting new machines.

Webinar #5 — Creating the world’s first Quantum Computing Ecosystem

Sergio Gago — Quantum World Association, Managing Partner.

Write-up link here.

Webinar #4- Conversation with Paul Guthrie & Marco Paini

Paul Guthrie, Founder QxBranch & Marco Paini, Rigetti Computing

We have two video for this one. The full webinar and a quarter-hour focus on “Introduction to Quantum Computing” as part of our QL Explains series

Write-up link here.

Webinar #3 — Space-based Quantum Networks

Dr Aitor Villar of SpeQtral

No write-up of this one but the full video available including mention of the SpooQy-1 space mission. Hosted by Em and Craig Polley of Line Street Digital

Webinar #2 — Quantum Secure Communications

John Prisco, CEO Quantum Xchange

Webinar #1 — Quantum Computing — a reference framework

Christian Mastrodonato, Director of Engineering at Digital Catapult (Digital Catapult)

Christian, a long-standing supporter of Quantum London, gives us a framework to use as we try and get our heads around quantum computing and the impact on the business world.

