Quantum Stammtisch #5 — Key take-aways

Key points and video link from 27 October event

Paolo Cuomo
Quantum Computing


The Quantum London Stammtisch* #5 meeting on Tuesday 27 October 2020 focused primarily on the questions around the value and approach of creating a quantum computing ecosystem in the UK. Full details of the context can be found via this link, which details the trigger that was our recent excellent webinar presentation by Sergio Gago of Quantum World Association.

Before proceeding further I would like to offer a huge apology to those people who wanted to join but were then unable to find the Zoom link. One of the challenges of curating this type of community in our “spare time” is things can slip through the gaps. If anyone wants to take on small bits of support then please do get in touch with Em, Ana or me.

Our questions

  • 1. Is the UK well positioned to be a leading Quantum Computing ecosystem?
  • 2. What are the pros and cons of different focus areas — a UK-wide ecosystems; the Golden Triangle; London-centric?

