Quantum Stammtisch #7 — topics for discussion

Interactive quantum computing discussion on Monday 21 December

Paolo Cuomo
Quantum Computing


Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

We’ve decided to squeeze in a further Stammtisch meeting before the Christmas break. Normally putting in anything from mid-December onwards would result in only a handful of attendees. With parties off the table, and bars and restaurants all socially distanced we reckon a few people will be up for a reflection on the quantum year so far and a discussion on what 2021 holds in store.

In terms of specific topics: we will talk about the points Professor Michele Mosca brings up in his 16 November webinar presentation; and we look forward to hearing from some of the participants of the first Quantum London Coding Community meeting on 14 November.

More generally we will look back on the year, asking people what they’ve found interesting in the industry and what they’ve personally learnt. We’re keen to get all of your views on how the answer to the core question of “how will quantum computing impact day-to-day business” has changed in the last 12 months.

Equally, as we look into 2021 we’re keen for your view of what the year will bring in terms of changing attitudes to quantum readiness within companies across finance, pharma, logistics, automotive etc.

