Still confused by Quantum Computing? This webinar content will help!

Paolo Cuomo
Quantum Computing
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2020


Image only — video link below

I’m a year into investigating the likely business impacts of Quantum Computing. Things are *still* highly confusing, but getting clearer all the time.

This webinar, where Em Colonnella and I spoke with two quantum practitioners — Paul Guthrie and Marco Paini — is a fantastic entry point for anyone new to the topic as well as a great springboard for those, like me, who have grasped the basics but both value a refresher on the topic and want to hear the latest thinking.

Our speakers

Paul and Marco have solid pedigree in quantum technology.

  • Both worked at QxBranch (which Paul co-founded), a quantum computing software and analytics firm acquired by Rigetti Computing in 2019
  • Marco has remained at Rigetti as Programme Director of Quantum Computing Applications
  • Ahead of setting up QxBranch Paul worked with NASA and the US government on technology strategy and the deployment of new technologies

Paul and Marco may a series of excellent points as you can see/hear in the video. We will but cropping down some key parts to make more focused viewing and will share those links once done

Key points

