When should insurance board members start caring about quantum computing?

A world-first senior conversation on the impact of quantum computing on insurance

Paolo Cuomo (talks tech)
Quantum Computing


Photo by Rumman Amin on Unsplash

Quantum London is delighted to have had the opportunity to work with the unique and world-famous Lloyd’s of London insurance market to bring together an expert set of panelists for a teaser discussion on the impact of quantum computing on insurance.

I say “teaser” as I am absolutely expecting that this session will raise more questions than it answers.

Not because the world-class panel of speakers don’t have the answers, but because the implications of quantum technology on the industry are multi-fold and only as actuaries, underwriters and risk managers take time to reflect on what they have heard will they start to realise how much attention will be required on this topic over the years to come.

Doubly delighted that the event will be chaired by Ana Zardoshti, a leader of Quantum London.

Sign up via this link.

Event overview

On the 11th of February, as part of the Lloyd’s Lab Spotlights Series, we will be exploring the impacts of quantum computing on the insurance industry. An emerging technology likely to be a truly…



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