Quantum Mechanics and The Crisis of Reality and Meaning

Freedom Preetham
Quantum Mysteries
Published in
5 min readNov 27, 2024

Invariably, many people who have a topical view of quantum mechanics think it predicates the universe as being made of wave-like quanta or particles. This superficial understanding, while attractive, obscures the profound depths of the theory. Quantum mechanics is not about waves and particles, it is a mathematical framework that forces us to confront the deepest questions about reality, probability, and the nature of measurement. At its center lies the wave function, ψ, a construct that evolves deterministically under Schrödinger’s equation yet yields probabilistic outcomes upon measurement. This duality, inexplicably precise yet conceptually elusive, has led to competing interpretations that reveal the philosophical and scientific chasms quantum mechanics has opened.

There are numerous interpretations, some based on wave collapse and others on no-collapse. There are also interpretations where the wave function does not exist at all. In some interpretations, ψ represents reality, while in others, it is purely a mathematical construct for the convenience of predicting reality.

The wave function remains the most enigmatic element of quantum mechanics. Realist interpretations treat ψ as a physical entity, existing independently of observers or measurements. Bohmian Mechanics posits that ψ guides particles along deterministic trajectories, reducing quantum uncertainty to a consequence of hidden variables. This view restores classical causality but demands a nonlocal reality, where distant events influence one another instantaneously, challenging relativity’s constraints.

The Ghirardi–Rimini–Weber (GRW) theory introduces stochasticity directly into ψ’s evolution. GRW modifies Schrödinger’s equation to include random, spontaneous collapses that localize the wave function and ensure definitive measurement outcomes. These collapses, though rare, scale with system size, resolving the quantum-classical boundary. GRW reconciles the deterministic evolution of ψ with probabilistic measurements by making randomness a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics. Yet this raises questions: What governs these collapses? Why are they undetectable in microscopic systems?

Epistemic interpretations reject the physicality of the wave function entirely, treating it as a representation of information or belief. Quantum Bayesianism (QBism) exemplifies this, interpreting ψ as a tool for updating subjective probabilities based on measurement outcomes. In QBism, probabilities are Bayesian constructs, reflecting an agent’s beliefs rather than objective randomness. This approach reframes quantum mechanics as a theory of knowledge, not existence, but at the cost of sidestepping what quantum mechanics might reveal about reality itself.

Relational Quantum Mechanics (RQM) takes this further, proposing that quantum states exist only in relation to other systems. In RQM, there is no universal wave function; reality is a web of interdependent observations, each contextualized by its observer. This challenges the very notion of objectivity, suggesting that “existence” itself is relational.

Wave function collapse remains one of the most divisive issues in quantum mechanics. The Copenhagen Interpretation treats collapse as a physical process triggered by measurement, transforming ψ from a superposition into a definite state. While operationally successful, this explanation provides no underlying mechanism, leaving collapse as a placeholder for deeper ignorance.

The Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) avoids collapse entirely. In MWI, the wave function evolves deterministically, with every possible outcome of a quantum event realized in a branching multiverse. Measurement becomes a divergence, where the observer is entangled with a specific branch. This interpretation preserves the deterministic elegance of Schrödinger’s equation but at the cost of proliferating realities. While mathematically consistent, MWI demands that we accept an infinite multiplicity of universes, raising profound ontological and philosophical questions.

Gerard ‘t Hooft’s superdeterminism offers a provocative challenge to both randomness and free will. In this framework, all events, including measurement choices and outcomes, are predetermined by the initial conditions of the universe. Superdeterminism suggests that what appears as quantum randomness is merely a reflection of our ignorance of hidden deterministic variables. Measurement outcomes are not independent but are causally linked to the universe’s deterministic evolution, eliminating the need for collapse or wave function branching.

Leonard Susskind’s contributions to string theory add another layer to the debate. String theory posits that particles are not point-like but are instead vibrations of one-dimensional strings, whose dynamics govern the fundamental forces and matter. While not strictly an interpretation of quantum mechanics, string theory seeks to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity, embedding quantum phenomena within a higher-dimensional framework. The holographic principle, an offshoot of string theory, suggests that all information about a volume of space is encoded on its boundary, radically altering our understanding of quantum states and locality. These ideas challenge traditional interpretations of ψ, suggesting it may emerge from deeper geometric or topological principles rather than being fundamental.

One of the most striking features of quantum mechanics is its deterministic-probabilistic duality. Schrödinger’s equation governs the evolution of ψ with precise determinism, yet measurements yield outcomes that are probabilistic. Deterministic interpretations like Bohmian Mechanics argue that quantum randomness is illusory, arising from hidden variables or incomplete knowledge. Superdeterminism takes this further, suggesting that the universe’s deterministic structure underpins not just particles but every experimental choice.

Probabilistic models like GRW reject determinism entirely, embedding randomness into the evolution of ψ. Collapse becomes a stochastic process, with probabilities reflecting intrinsic uncertainty rather than ignorance. Epistemic interpretations avoid this tension by reframing probabilities as subjective, arguing that randomness is not a property of nature but of our limited knowledge.

The ontological status of the wave function remains the central question dividing these interpretations. Realist models treat ψ as a physical entity, whether as a guiding field, a stochastic process, or an emergent phenomenon from string vibrations. Epistemic models deny this, arguing that ψ encodes information rather than existing independently.

Measurement deepens the mystery further. Deterministic interpretations locate outcomes in hidden variables or deterministic structures, preserving causality. Probabilistic models attribute outcomes to stochastic processes, embedding randomness as a core feature of the universe. Epistemic interpretations reduce measurement to an update in the observer’s knowledge, avoiding ontological commitments entirely. Each approach resolves some questions while opening others.

Quantum mechanics is not merely a theory of particles and waves. It is a gateway to fundamental questions about existence itself. From Bohmian determinism to GRW’s stochastic realism, from the relational frameworks of RQM to the vast multiplicity of MWI, each interpretation exposes the profound limits of classical thought. The incorporation of superdeterminism challenges cherished notions of independence and randomness, while string theory hints at a deeper geometric reality from which quantum mechanics may emerge.

The wave function is not simply a mathematical tool or a physical field. It is the foundation of questions that transcend physics itself. What does it mean to exist? How does measurement shape reality? Can the universe be fundamentally understood, or are we glimpsing only shadows of a deeper, incomprehensible structure? These questions remain unanswered, their resolution requiring not only new theories but a fundamental shift in how we conceive reality.



Quantum Mysteries
Quantum Mysteries

Published in Quantum Mysteries

Exploring the magical realm of quantum fields

Freedom Preetham
Freedom Preetham

Written by Freedom Preetham

AI Research | Math | Genomics | Quantum Physics

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