Entangled winds…

…or how wind directions connect through meaning, in human cognition, similarly to how spins entangle in nature

Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi
Quantum Physics
Published in
12 min readJul 12, 2017


Tramontane, greco, levante, sirocco, ostro, libeccio, ponente and maestro: these are some of the names that have been used in the past, and are still used today, to identify the North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West and Northwest wind directions, respectively. More precisely, I should say ‘wind spatial directions’ as ‘a wind direction’ is of course a direction within our three-dimensional Euclidean space: the theater we all use to stage part of our everyday physical reality.

A mariner’s compass rose

However, a wind direction, as a notion, is not equivalent to that of a space direction. This because space directions are all equivalent for physical entities (this is the well-known isotropy of space), whereas wind directions are usually associated with specific space directions, typically the above mentioned eight directions of the traditional mariner’s compass rose, which resulted from our countless experiences, over the millenaries, as inhabitants of the surface of this beautiful (pale blue dot) planet.

