The “sci-fi-physics” of self-teleportation

Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi
Quantum Physics
Published in
5 min readNov 12, 2015


Human teleportation (also called parateleportation) is the hypothetical phenomenon where a human being (more precisely, its physical body) suddenly disappears from a location in space and almost instantaneously reappears in another (usually distant) location in space. This usually happens in a way that is not under the control of the teleported individual, that is, in an unexpected and generally unwanted way.

We can find possible indications of anomalous phenomena of this kind for instance in the Bible. A typical case is that of Philip, who was “kidnapped by the spirit of the Lord” when he was in the vicinity of Gaza, only to suddenly find himself in Azotus, about 50 kilometers away (Acts 8: 39–40).

Many reports of human teleportation can be found in the different traditions of our planet, such as the shamanic and yogic ones. We can also mention the controversial case of the Marquis Carlo Centurion, whose body was seen to disappear before the eyes of those present (in the castle Millesimo, in the province of Savona, in Italy) before being found asleep, a few hours later, in a completely different place.

Another interesting case is that of the Brazilian psychic Carmilo Mirabelli, who was apparently teleported, almost instantly, from São Paulo to São Vicente, two cities distant from each other about 90 kilometers.

