Project Quantum Game Dev Diary — Feb. 7, 2022 — Magnus Stone

Sean D
Quantum Works
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2022

Hello Seekers! It’s been an exciting few weeks. We have welcomed two seasoned industry veterans to the team. They’ve already proved to be a huge asset to the team and we can’t wait to share more news about them very soon.

In the meantime, the rest of us have been hard at work getting ready for the MODEX.

As always, this update will break down our progress in design, programming, and art for Project Quantum.


  • Revisiting MODEX Designs
  • Updating and expanding design documentation
  • Regression and functionality testing

Currently, the team is preparing to implement our unique MODEX system into the game.

Project Quantum MODEX suit

This has given us a great excuse to dive back into our original MODEX designs and expand our documentation to clarify areas for the engineering team.

In particular, we have been designing and defining MODEX special abilities as well as establishing rules for how to balance them.

Additionally, we have been helping the engineering team to test issues, create bug reports, and clean up the build in preparation for the next sprint.


  • Bug Fixing and Cleanup
  • Switching to “true First Person”

We’ve been experimenting with some new mechanics recently which has been invaluable, but it also caused a fresh batch of bugs and glitches to deal with. So our engineering team has been busy cleaning up the code and putting things back into place for the next sprint.

This problem-solving period has also provided us with a great opportunity to consolidate ideas and optimize some background processes.

Additionally, we are making the change to “true first-person”. Previously, the player character has been a floating set of arms in front of a camera when in first-person view. This is generally the approach adopted by most first-person games and has certainly been an effective way for us to set up and quickly make progress thus far.

However, since Project Quantum is all about building yourself a badass MODEX, it would be a waste not to be able to see it in first-person. So we are making the switch to having a camera mounted on your full character so that looking down you can see your MODEX in all of its glory.


  • Reload Animation
  • Wounded Animations
  • MODEX Frame

What happens when you die? A question asked by countless people throughout history…including our art team.

They have been continuing to create amazing animations for wounded and unconscious player states. They’ve also been busy with custom reload animations!

Custom reload animation

To prepare for the new MODEX system, we have created an in-game frame for a character MODEX. This will serve as a base for us to “clip” individual MODEX parts on to.

Making the suit completely customizable while also looking fantastic is going to be a big challenge. The MODEX frame is the first aesthetic step towards that goal.

Project Quantum MODEX suit

All in all, a lot of the last couple of weeks have come down to preparation. We are all excited to start our next sprint and get the long-awaited MODEX system up and running.

We look forward to sharing even more news soon!

Thank you for reading,

Magnus Stone, Principal Designer

If you’d like to get in on our AAA game well before its release date, I’d like to welcome you to our Discord here

