QuantumBlack Announces New Office Opening in Montréal During NeurIPS

Today, we announced that we will open a new QuantumBlack office in Montréal, based in the Centre of Excellence at Mila (Montréal Institute for Learning Algorithms — Québec Artificial Intelligence Institute). The announcement was made in association with the prestigious NeurIPS conference and in the presence of the Minister of Economy and Innovation and the Minister Responsible for the Lanaudière Region, Pierre Fitzgibbon alongside Yoshua Bengio, professor, University of Montréal and scientific director, of Mila.

Montréal owes its attractiveness to a dynamic scientific community coupled with the world’s largest concentration of academic researchers in deep learning. In recent years, the work of acclaimed researchers has developed into leading-edge expertise that is increasingly attracting the world’s very top players in AI.

Jeremy Palmer, CEO, of QuantumBlack said: “I’m thrilled we are going to be adding to our global community of specialists with Montréal’s outstanding pool of talent. Montréal has quickly become a world-leading centre in AI and deep learning. I look forward to growing our footprint within Canada and continuing to work with companies across the country by helping them move from concepts and pilots to resilient systems built into their operations. We want to help clients improve their performance for the long term.”

QuantumBlack’s CEO, Jeremy Palmer, announcing the new office opening in Montréal.

QuantumBlack has been working closely with our colleagues at the McKinsey Montréal office.

Vincent Bérubé expressed his excitement: “McKinsey has been in Montréal for the last 25 years and next spring, QuantumBlack will become the second office within the firm to open in Québec. McKinsey and QuantumBlack have been active in the region for some time helping companies to embrace AI at scale and take a global leadership role in applying the latest thinking about AI to real world business applications. But today marks an even bigger commitment to this.”

Montréal holds a special place in the hearts of Co-Founder and Chief Scientist Jacomo Corbo and Yves Boussemart, who both previously studied engineering at McGill University.

Yves leader of the QuantumBlack Montréal office said: “We are all passionate about supporting Montréal’s vision to be a global leader and attract the best talent from across the world. The city boasts the largest number of AI university researchers in Canada, with 250 researchers from the Universite de Montréal and McGill University. We work closely with many academic institutions across the world and look forward to building on our existing relationships.”

We are aiming to build a team within the first year of up to 30 deep learning specialists and highly qualified data engineers. We want our Montréal office to be a global centre of excellence for deep learning, and closely connected with the global QuantumBlack and McKinsey network.

If you’re interested in joining the QuantumBlack Montréal office, see our latest job vacancies here, alternatively if you’re visiting NeurIPS head to booth 611 in the Expo area to meet the team.



QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey
QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey

We are the AI arm of McKinsey & Company. We are a global community of technical & business experts, and we thrive on using AI to tackle complex problems.