QuantumBlack heads to Stockholm for ICML

By Didier Vila, Global Head of Data Science at QuantumBlack.

The QuantumBlack & McKinsey Analytics team will be at ICML stand B06:12.

Today the International Machine Learning Conference (ICML) kicks off in Stockholm. The conference is supported by the International Machine Learning Society (IMLS) and will see attendees travel from across the globe to hear the latest research in the field.

QuantumBlack alongside McKinsey Analytics’ data scientists and machine learning engineers will immerse themselves in the latest research in this area through tutorials, workshops, talks, receptions and poster presentations. Over the course of the six-day conference they’ll also have the chance to meet with the leading minds in the field.

We’ve handed picked some of the sessions we’re most looking forward to at this year’s ICML, here are some of our top picks:

From Friday 13th July there is a dedicated three-day track featuring workshops centered around: Fairness, Interpretability, and Explainability, this is an area which is particularly interesting to our team.

We’re hosting an event on Friday 13th July focusing on Algorithmic Fairness, which is a panel discussion designed to explore this important area. The panel will be chaired by me and I am delighted to have the below panellists joining the debate:

Samuel Corbett-Davies, Stanford University

Sam Corbett-Davies is a Fulbright Scholar and fifth year PhD candidate in computer science at Stanford University. He studies methods for identifying bias in human and machine decisions, particularly decisions made throughout the US criminal justice system. Sam is presenting an ICML tutorial on Defining and Designing Fair Algorithms alongside Sharad Goel.

Polina Mamoshina, Insilico Medicine & Oxford University

Polina Mamoshina is a senior research scientist at Insilico Medicine, Inc, a Baltimore-based bioinformatics and deep learning company focused on reinventing drug discovery and biomarker development and a part of the computational biology team of Oxford University Computer Science Department. Polina graduated from the Department of Genetics of the Moscow State University. She was one of the winners of GeneHack a Russian nationwide 48-hour hackathon on bioinformatics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology attended by hundreds of young bioinformaticians. Polina is involved in multiple deep learning projects at the Pharmaceutical Artificial Intelligence division of Insilico Medicine working on the drug discovery engine and developing biochemistry, transcriptome, and cell-free nucleic acid-based biomarkers of aging and disease. She recently co-authored fourteen academic papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Dr. Ines Marusic, QuantumBlack

Dr Ines Marusic is a data scientist at advanced analytics firm, QuantumBlack, a McKinsey Company. During her tenure at QuantumBlack, she has worked on projects in a range of different industries including finance, insurance, and pharma. Her research interests include explainability and fairness in machine learning. Ines holds a PhD in Computer Science from Oxford University. Whilst studying, she co-founded the Oxford Women in Computer Science Society and served as the society’s first president. She also co-founded and was a co-organiser of the annual Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference. In addition, during her time at Oxford University, Ines served on the Computer Science department’s Equality and Diversity Committee. Ines is passionate about getting more women into STEM careers and more specifically into data science.

If you would like to join me at this event please register your place here.

Come and meet with the QuantumBlack and McKinsey Analytics team

We have a space in the exhibitor hall, so if you’d like to meet with some of the QuantumBlack and McKinsey Analytics team and learn more about what we do as well as job opportunities available then head to our stand located at B06:12. You’ll also have the chance to pick-up some goodies.

See you in Stockholm!



QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey
QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey

We are the AI arm of McKinsey & Company. We are a global community of technical & business experts, and we thrive on using AI to tackle complex problems.