Articulating the lifecycle of an analytics use case with the 5i framework

A protocol by itself does not articulate the lifecycle of a data analytics use case. We’ll be exploring the 5i framework created to solve this challenge.

a black and white photo of a group of people working with the 5i framework for data analytics

Our first episode explored the inspiration for our codified ways of working — Formula One pitstop teams. A key learning for QuantumBlack was that a repeatable, scalable process is the most effective way to amplify organisational performance. It identifies patterns of success — how people and technology interact with each other to achieve results — and seeks to continuously replicate the factors behind those patterns.

This learning has manifested itself in the creation of hundreds of protocols codified by our teams. Protocols capture best practices for executing common activities, deliverables or workshops on an analytics use case — each respecting the importance and synergistic relationship between people, process and technology.

But a protocol by itself does not articulate the end-to-end lifecycle of an analytics use case. In our second episode we’ll be exploring the framework we created to articulate this lifecycle — the 5is. We’ll also discuss the importance of flexibility to maximise applicability, comparisons to similar methodologies in the industry and why a product mindset has become a mandatory consideration on all advanced analytics projects.

The 5i Framework: A Data Analytics Use Case

In our third episode of The Protocol Series, we will be revisiting some of the key actions we employed to kick-start our continual improvement journey and how we have driven adoption of best practices across our organisation.

James Mulligan — Principal Product Manager, QuantumBlack



QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey
QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey

We are the AI arm of McKinsey & Company. We are a global community of technical & business experts, and we thrive on using AI to tackle complex problems.